Problem ET 80252 (Solved)

i have a problem in ET, i always get kicked by pb

disallowed program/driver (80252)

does anyone know what the problem is ?

Problem solved, pc format
driver update (gfx)
disallowed program doesn't ring the bell?
sure, if you havent got a usefull thing to say then just STFU!
If you can't use fucking google like the post below, then you STFU
i searched in google but didnt find a solution, and i ask what i wanna ask and if youre not happy with it then you're just an annoying dickhead that hasn't anything better to do then reply fcking silly things to everything
I'm really sorry for you, that problem is a bitch. Im not exactly sure what it is but I had it. What you should do is scan with anti virus to check you dont have any virus/trojan. Also research the problem on net and see what other people did. If you still have problem post a trouble ticket at pb site -

My old comp had that problem + power supply werent working and to repair cost of £200 (I HATE U DELL) so I just got a new computer.

Hope you solve your problem!
power supply? my power supply is changed yesterday, can that be the problem?? :s:s
No that werent the problem, I just had a broken power supply in which my computer didnt turn on as well as the driver problem
oké , i just filled in a trouble ticket at evenbalance
k gl with it
sounds kinda strange if that's a coincidence that both of u had some issues about psu and therefore also probs with ET... maybe try the old psu if ET worked with it :) ?
download ComboFix and turn it on ;) u hv virus at your pc ;) gl
it could be caused by a virus. download avg or something and scan your pc
avg is running. but i've read on google that a bf2 gamer had the same prob with pb and that the problem was avg. Can it be? ( i think that isnt the prob bcaus i played ET when i had avg already)
i was kicked for 80251 which was a virus
you have a disallowed program/driver
no you're serious? now my problem is fixed :s:s:s:s:s:s
looks like a 80252 error to me
disallowed program/driver (80252)

vista ?
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