vZhx cless!

Hi im looking for a good 6 o 6 team :) (playing in 3o3 clan with SVEN & NzZ)
but now i want 6 o 6 so ->

From Belgium
° Can speak good englisch
° My skill is med
° I am verry active
° Good teamplayer
° Classes: prefer medic can go engi when needed

Can contact me on IRC #et.merc ore #fif.gaming (/q vZhx)

nice guy with some sweet aim :o)
nice guy that can aim pretty nice for a newschooler and good teamplayer
jij bent kanker newb xD

good aim
Can speak good englisch

soz couldn't resist :D gl
He likes lama's so you should post some nice lama pics in here :)
Do you actually know today was one of the coldest days in 15 years?
Yee today in belgium -11°c :o i was freezing xD
I think the rest of europe stole our cold weather :S
gl vzhx nice guy & player <3 :)
we zitten met nen pro :p GL man
gl, nice guy
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