mirrorsedge looking for some players

mirrorsedge is looking for 3more players and for our 6o6 team


> European , United Kingdom speaking and/or NetherlandsBelgium speaking
> Active ofc
> Skilled (med- atleast)
> Being mature on TS and servers , not like a screaming 12y/o becuz he gets killed.
> Able to talk on Vent/Ts
> Clean yawn


> Nice guys
> Playing pracs everyday
> Med-
> Gameserver; Ts ; vent
> Mature

Current Lineup

BelgiumrAtji (med / fop)
NetherlandsnueVa (main eng)
IrelandBilgrim (med/2nd engi)
BelgiumvZhx (med)
EuropeYou (rifle)
EuropeYou (med / allround)
EuropeYou (bu)

If u think this is something for u , pm me on
Anonymous rAtji
mirc : #vaillant /q rAtji (don't have BNC atm so cud be off)
xfire : link2k8
hmm i remember defiance or something like that
gl Billy
Crazy stuff there Bill
No, you see. They are mirrorsedge, what you are referring to is Mirror's Edge. It's a common mistake.
You are right, mister.
my dog is still a great fan of yours
Funny guy =P
bilgrim will own, gl tard.
again bilgrim new clan? :(

gl hf
Do I know you? :D
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