Mouse + Grafic fails (help request)

Okaj here is my problem.

when i move my aim in games like cod4/ET my screen moves a second slower.
this is very anoying. but i don't know how to solve this problem,
i din't change anything in Windows / ET / COD4 but it suddenly happend.

i got same problem with other mouses so it can't be my mouse.

things i tried.
* Other mouse (din't help)
* Other games (same problem)
* Systemrestore point ( din't help)
* Driver update ( din't help)

and i can't think about any other problems maybe u guys got a tip for me what i can try.
cya and help me pleasee (A)
uhm.. can be i guess but how u change this..??
r_vsync 0 ?
or check options.
r_swapinterval 0

maar is wss in je drivers omdat dat een ET command is
put settings lower?
Dezire its not in 1 game its in all games and it always worked correct so i don't think its any game settings but ty for tip
maybe try to delete all spyware & cookies etc
r_vssync is for ET but i got it in all games so i suppose its a windows settings
i've got windows vista ultimate if u need to know
wait ... what?
well i don't get it every1 give me ET commands ( What maybe will work) i'm gonna try them out in a second..
but i got the same problems in games like CSS,COD4, COD5 so i am expecting it is a problem on windows vista
check your grapxh card settings. maybe vsync is forced there.
isnt it r_swapinterval?
r_swapinterval 0
r_finish 1
not going to help him
i'm gonna try it
Vsync is forced on .. and ET commands wont solve my problems
force vsync off
GFX new drivers ?
wich mouse u got ?

or maybe ur USB/PS2 port is broke :)

u also tried another port ?
updated my drivers i got zykon z1 mouse but i tried
logitech mx440 aswell i got same problem with that mouse
i tried 4 usb ports front and back but its same problem
ask Belgium overdrive
go to the nvidia cp > manage 3d settings > select et from the list > maximum pre-rendered frames > lower the amount might work but not sure xD and the vsync shit as above...
tried it but it din't work still thanks for tip..
It´s only meant for D3D games.
yea i just remembered that as i was using it to sort out l4d on the laptop
Do you have the input lag with keyboard commands too, or only while moving your mouse?
i have the same as he only that my mouse is 2 sensitive/unstable, even with a rly low sens x)
switch off vsync
cable of monitor
graphic card isnt correct installed
graphic card drivers or hardware?

i have a simular problem
cause the drivers reinstalled before..
pulled out of my graffic card and putted in again seens to work fine again ty for ur help and advices
thank you...
i opened my pc putted graffic card out made it dust free and putted the graffic card back in again and it seens to work again ty!!
what card do you have?
@ ratzilla
first proof if it is correct installed
then delete all driver..
load actual drivers from inet
proof bios settings
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