Which mouse should I buy?

So, recently my beloved G5 broke down, so currently I'm using my friend's DeathAdder and I must say it seems better than the G5.

The question is, which of the following mice would you recommend:
1) Razer Salmosa
2) Razer DeathAdder
3) Razer Lachesis
4) Logitech G5
5) Logitech MX518
Deathadder or MS Intelli 3.0.. best sensors so far for me
razer db
i use long time the G5 and now i buyed a mx518
3 days use the mx and then i go back to G5^^
the mx is only for Ebay now -.-
is very hard to switch from lasersensor to optical i guess.

so G5
Optical is better for games technically spoken, though what you're used to plays a role i guess
0nk3L had same shit as u, bought mx518 and imposible to get used to it and now is at waiting for selling to someone :D
DeathAdder or MX518, whichever of the 2 feels more comfortable.
mx518 is good
+1 :D i wanted to buy it but i needed mouse really fast so i bought like the cheapest mouse from tesco :D xD
does it have extra buttons or not?
nope :/ it is optical tho :D heh it has a scroll and 2 buttons :D
[pl] mx518 bo dziala na kazdej podkladce bez problemow, do tego bardzo rzadko sie psuje (ja mam swoja od 2 lat ponad i smiga), dpi czy czasy reakcji niby kosmiczne w innych myszkach tak naprawde Cie nie poratuja, do tego dobrze sie ja trzyma w lapie i nie trzeba uzywac sterow zeby dzialala poprawnie (mozna zmieniac dpi bez setpointa, nie wiem jak z programowaniem przyciskow, pewnie do tego trzeba, ale jak dla mnie bez setpointa smiga jak nalezy) [/pl]
sry im exhausted just didnt want to write in engrish ;]]]]]]]]]
mi sie rozjebal po 6miechach :C
mx518 to ownage (mam teraz), ale ja najbardziej daze sobie sentymentem Razera Diamonbacka :)
Deathadder/mx518/ikari optical are the best perfomance wise
if you like DA's shape more than G5's you should probably buy DA
5) Logitech MX518 coz its cheap and its so fucking good :=)
imo worst mouse ever,i suggest g5, but most ppl think i'm retard coz i say it! But really g5 is way smoother etc for me
lol retard
now no team russia!
it's team-germany #2 gogogo
yesterday u were talking about russian team, bitch!
have to wait 9 minutes till i can turn the volume up and listen to guns n roses- paradise city w/o breaking the law, but it's so hard
hohoho i can do it already
fu, u stupid ho! i have to wait 2 minutes!
6) a rat (4legs, tail, extremely sharp teeth and think nothing less to destroy all in it's way, got one like that and it's good)
DA or MX518
actually i prefered g5 over mx518 back then but since i'm used to mx518 again it's fine too!
if you use lowsens (~40cm / 180° or lower) don't get g5 (or any other laser-mouse) since the laser cant handle fast movements @ such a lowsens.
I use a lowsens and never got anyprob with my laser mouse.
I use a lowsens and I've had problems in turning very fast with laser mice.

another reason to be highsenser, isnt it? :D
mx518 or MS 3.0, I have had both for like 3 years but in the end I always end up switching back to mx518, both good mouses of course, I'd go for mx518!
mx518..... easy choice
g5 is awesome for me
2) Razer DeathAdder
if you think DA's better than G5 go for it.

who cares about random marketingvalues, in my opinion the shape/how it feels is more important, unless the mouse is technically ubercrap
3) Razer Lachesis
I had G5 and now i have mx518. Must say i liked much more G5 than this
DA/intelli mouse or mx518
I guess that doesn't really help him ?:D
G5 absolutely
salmosa sucks dont buy it
actually it's a very good mouse for high sens players!
i got it and dont like it at all cheap plastik
Razer Lachesis
depens of course what shape you prefer. MX518 > all. Deathadder < all.
DA is pretty cool though it's perfomance @ low dpi is pretty poor, so basically it's not a mice for lowsensers as it's considered to be. D:
For your sens the only choice is some older generation mouse working @400dpi like mx5**/razer DB/razer krait/ikari optical which all can work at speeds over 4m/s without losing a single pixel.
thats wrong for my deathadder anyway it performs best at 450dpi for me. spent ages trying to use it on higher dpi and it was shit.
@450dpi perfect control speed is pretty low ~ 2,3m/s while mx518@400dpi for example has >4m/s what makes it a much better mouse for such a lowsens player like Iron(200º @ 45cm)
well everything is so much easier for me with 450dpi especially hs , tried for ages to use 900dpi but got alot less hs. sometimes when aiming with 900 i wouldnt get a hs even when on target but from the same position with 450dpi i did. Plus i havent noticed any weird movements at 450dpi the control seems fine.
I had 1600dpi mx518 until it died. now using new mx518 (1800dpi) @ 450dpi and it's as good as old one.

Deathadder just stopped when moving it fast (or jumped)
ye, it's rly weird that DA works best at high DPI while @ low DPI it starts skipping :S. Btw you may try DA@1800dpi with rinput by abort, then max speed will raise and there will be no acceleration or skips @ the same fast speeds as with mx518, though when i tried it it felt way too reactive and sensitive for me(but i must admit that at high dpi shooting with pistol is ez bash :P).
I hate it's shape anyway so I won't be using it!
well, shape preference is personal :p
deathadder ofc :)
5) Logitech MX518
no doubt about it. read this and u go pro!
Ikari or mx518
dont listen to the retards saying g5. if you like g5 shape go for mx518. Its technically superiour to G5 (about 4 times better max performance)
1st: thx overdrive : )
2nd: i like g5 material way better, it's way better control over the mouse, but anyways u have to test them at store and find out the best for u, everyone says what they are playing the best/they are used to but that doesn't mean u can own with that mouse, just test them at store and go for the most fitting to your hand
i agree with the shape being one of the most important factors, but looking how mx518 even got the same feet as g5 these days, i really dont see any point in choosing g5 over mx518.

mx518 has the same shape, buttons, feet but it got superiour hardware.
+ maus switched from g5 => mx518 so i'm right and you are wrong !!!!

ps: i heard you are playing for TAG e-sports ???
EURUZ: laser > opica so much
EURUZ: and theres nothing that makes me change my mind
EURUZ: laser reads longer distances eg and it's way smoother for me
EURUZ: it might sux but perfect mouse for me
EURUZ: if i lift my mouse
EURUZ: then the distance between mouse and my mat
EURUZ: i can raise my mouse higher with g5
EURUZ: with optical i always have this thing that my mouse stops reading while i do quick turns
EURUZ: since i lift mouse when do quick turns
h8m3: buy deathadder then
EURUZ: i will never buy razer
EURUZ: they are too small/too retarded shape

Sick reasons huh? :"D
irc logs, BAN, ur fast as fuck
actually feet are not exactly the same, though just size difference (518 has bigger feet)
and as i said u have to find best for u (maus owns with 518, i say it's shit for me and i like g5 more)
and another thing about g5 laser over mx518 optics was that at least my laser reads longer distances( if i raise the mouse, which i do since i'm lowsenser and play only with my wrist not whole hand) then i can raise g5 higher and it still reads it but mx518 started skipping

ps: nothing is sure, if it's good offer i concider it but as i said to light, if it's not serious business then i won't even concider : (
everything is possible but nothing is for sure!
Quotebut looking how mx518 even got the same feet as g5 these days

Actually it doesn't..

image: 26-104-037-05

image: Picture

If it did my fucking hyperglides would fit!!
I just bought mx518.. todays the first day I play with it.. plays nice (A)

MX518 the best!
ballmouses fullstop
m518 is bezt.. man I played 30 minutes with it and I already aim better then with my previous mouse. MX518 FTW
DeathAdder ofc
salmosa or death adder for low sens
whats salmosa like?
high dpi + low sens feels weird! + you need R(azer)Input :D
omagad, are you switching to low sens now?!
MX518 or Deathadder
mx518/ikari/deathadder go for zeh best shape
Logitech MX518/steelseries ikari OPTICAL/Razer DeathAdder, just pick one which matches the best with ur hand
mx518 obviously.
wheel mouse optical
G5 but not the blue one :)
Microsoft Intelli Mouse 3.0 (The one i use and i really like it. And it's cheap)
Logitech MX518
logitech mx518 + Func pad (normal / small) ==> skillboost :)
Razer copperhead is also nice, i switch between CH en DA :o

but DA is also verry nice!
i`d suggest buying G9, its not much more expensive, but really far better than 518/g5
5) Logitech MX518
5) Logitech MX518
deathadder cause pros like fragma use it!
Logitech G5
mx518 for sure!

but if you cant get one or just dont like it i guess the deathadder is the best mouse but i dont like it :D
mx518 but you're probably gonna get the connect/disconnect problem after a year and half
i got this with my mx510 after like 2 years (didnt happen often tho, and only after boot) and it happened only with 1 usb port, after i put it to another it stopped doing :D
I got it with mx510, got it replaced with mx518 and it's doing the same thing now, either I'm really unlucky with mice or their cord suppliers suck
i would give u my G5 <3333
funny nobody has said it but how about a nice mouse which removes annoying "afk tracking"
omega 800 DPI 20PL <3
copperhead super mice !1!

only pro is they break after 1-1.5 years but since razer support is 5* they will give u a new one :D
Id say get one of the following:
- Logitec MX518
- Razer Deathadder
- Razer Copperhead
- Logitech g5
da, mx518, mx310, g5
If you are a palm aimer: Razer Deathadder

If you are a fingertip aimer: Razer Salmosa

I also hear good things about the MX518, but personally it's not for me.
DA or MX518...i have both, both nais...i prefer the DA.
ms ie 3.0 or wmo
deathadder ftw!
razer krait
1st : DeathAdder (better ergonomy than all mouse except steelseries ikari + nice drivers + nice look + nice tracking)
2nd : G5 (nice ergonomy + nice drivers + nice vertical sens)
3th : MX518 ( nice ergonomy + nice vertical sens)
4th : lachesis (bad ergonomy:/)
5th : salmosa (only 3 buttons)

hf ;)
Logitech G5 is a really good mouse.I use this mouse and i have no problems.The mouse is REALLY ergonomy!I like the G5 and i haven´t got probs with it!
+ shape
+ buttons
+ precision (0 accel at qck heavy and +)
+ scroll
+ nice glidez

- cable (as always)

dont buy laser's mouse for et
for me laser mouse working perfect, no probs with it.
I had G5, lil bit accel = useless for me
i have atm rx1000, i know most of ppl will say its crapy mouse or smth else, but for me is working very good and im low sense gamer and dont have probs with playing.
asus mx518 !!
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