SGA "c0m4r" busted
I know for most of you he is a noname player, but what i found and now proofed is a cheating streaming game admin of pbbans. Some time ago i got a demo where he was cheating and of coz i report him to pbbans. Do You know what was the reaction? Foxdie (the most fcking idiot from there) said that it is not a proof and they (pbbans) know better how to find cheaters (courious how they find such admins from foreign countries if they do not know their languages). I was really trying do my best to mark c0m4r as a cheater providing all the stuff (of coz in polish), but they 'know better'. Foxdie deleted the topic and warned me via pm...Now by mistake i found that his ip is in master ban list in pbbans. Here you go a screen:
As You can see pbbans a while ago hide full guids and ips - forgive them, they really have a problem with thinking processes ;)
yawn profile:
cf profile:
cb profile:
esl profile:
pbbans profile:
And the most interesting part is: so called ''pro" polish et players are playing on his servers...Or maybe cheaters? Make your choice !
to get access to pbbans profile u have to login:
login: test
pass: test
Pbbans CHANGED c0m4r to group: restricted users, but banned me!
Here u go a cache from google:]click[/url]
I know for most of you he is a noname player, but what i found and now proofed is a cheating streaming game admin of pbbans. Some time ago i got a demo where he was cheating and of coz i report him to pbbans. Do You know what was the reaction? Foxdie (the most fcking idiot from there) said that it is not a proof and they (pbbans) know better how to find cheaters (courious how they find such admins from foreign countries if they do not know their languages). I was really trying do my best to mark c0m4r as a cheater providing all the stuff (of coz in polish), but they 'know better'. Foxdie deleted the topic and warned me via pm...Now by mistake i found that his ip is in master ban list in pbbans. Here you go a screen:
As You can see pbbans a while ago hide full guids and ips - forgive them, they really have a problem with thinking processes ;)
yawn profile:
cf profile:
cb profile:
esl profile:
pbbans profile:
And the most interesting part is: so called ''pro" polish et players are playing on his servers...Or maybe cheaters? Make your choice !
to get access to pbbans profile u have to login:
login: test
pass: test
Pbbans CHANGED c0m4r to group: restricted users, but banned me!
Here u go a cache from google:]click[/url]
p.s serwer etpro sie przyjal i to bardzo dobrze, takze zastanów sie co piszesz
p.s2 naucz sie angielskiego
p.s zeby bylo jasne pisalem to na temat serwerow prowadzonych przez c0m4ra
tak trzymaj! Sorry, ale nie moglem sie powstrzymac, to juz moja ostatnia odpowiedz, zeby ci czasem pikawka nie siadla :D. I tak btw podejrzewam, ze jestes jednym z wielu, ktorzy zostali zlapani na gn, pewnie stad ten kompleks...
PS: Czekam az pojedziesz mi po rodzicach.
Reply - Odpowiedz (patrz post wyzej w ktorym pisalem)
btw z czytaniem polskiego tez masz problemy z tego wnioskuje....
mandejo a Ty go nie bron! wszyscy wiemy ze Ty tez czit jestes jakich malo!
Bans from this IP: [ SS.log ] [ MULTIHACK ]
mandejo i tak jestes cipa :D
ESL, Yawn, Pbbans, CF i CB - wszystko sie zgadza.
Nieprawdziwe natomiast jest przypisywanie mojego udzialu do bana podanego w drugim linku. Pierwsze widze alias Rawio i serwer, na którym ta osoba zostala zbanowana. Wszystkie moje fejki znajdziecie na Yawnie. Zewnetrzne ip z calego osiedla jest generalnie takie samo dla wszystkich klientów Airbites (mój isp), a w ET oprócz mnie gra tutaj jeszcze kilka innych osob (z tego tytulu juz nie raz mialem jaja, dlatego mysle o indywidualnym adresie ip).
P.S. Mandejo, nie udzielaj sie w temacie jezeli nie masz nic konstruktywnego do napisania.
Bust demo - Zgadzam sie w 100%, gralem na cheacie, jestem cheaterm, lajnujcie mnie, ring wolny.
Bust MBI - Nie nalezy do mnie.
first off you had 5 bans linked to YOU with the Ip you logged into PBBans:
On top of that you created an another account on PBBans and publicly posted login info and you posted information that is private breaking our TOS.
so no shit your banned. you won't be allowed to stream at PBBans again.
But thanks for posting, between negative posts like yours and hack sites whining, our traffic jumps more and more everyday.
Why don't you say who you got the SS from :P.
that's enough proof for me.
ur luas are nice :) hope u dont leave et cuz of such shit
luke > pbbans
But... erm he's PL......
1st lesson on PL's primary school ==> How i use cheats
get brain pls