mx518 sens+- prob


The problem is that my mx518 increases and decreases sensitivity randomly and sometimes just stops working for about 1-5min (when i unplug it and plug it back in then it works again).Never had such problems before , and i like to fix it somehow because its too anoying when im playing wars.

So smart ones help me out, and dumb ones amuse me with pointless comments ;)
reinstall drivers
Buy new mouse!
my phone rang... and my mx518 changed dpi!
had the same, but @ g9 ;[
had the same, bought myself a new mouse
did ur sens make big jumps from like 800 to 1600 or just small changes in the "feeling" of the mouse? like... it feels very unstable and hard to aim with?
yep, ppl said i was crazy and it was all in my head :D
yeah ive heard the same 10 tmes... so all u did was to buy a new mouse and it was fine?
yep, got myself a deathadder. Nice upgrade imo, the mousefeet + cloth are really smooth and dont wear down. Allthough my mx518 lasted for like 5 years :)
hmm i dont feel like getting another mouse, since ive bought like 5 and all had this problem :X
thats weird :o
had it with my mx518 only. If u had it with 5 mice, it might be something else i guess. Did it occur only after awhile or when u just bought them?
after i bought them... never worked rly well

cant aim :&
get a new mouse / use warranty
had the same (changing sens randomly, combined with the mouse disconnecting by itself / broken wire)

had the same three times :( it sux
7 times and they replaced all 7
Ye.. i think i need to buy a new one , my mx just died and dosnt work anymore :(
buy a cheap mouse with a thin wire and replace mx518's one with it
then it will be pwnage, much better than a new one
If you manage to switch the connectors!
3 random razer wires work fine!
All my mice have five wires.
i mean wires from 3 different razer mice are working fine!
Ah.. What did you use to take off the connector?
No fingernails :(
just pull it harder
Did you reattach them with solder.
no, they have the same connectors, just swap some of those thin wires and voila!
So just pull them out and solder them back in?
what do you mean?
razer and mx518 connectors are absolutely the same, just different small wires sequence.
to pull out those small wires do this:
image: b5mpwt3dka3t56d2c
Dunno, when I tried I couldn't pull the wires out without feeling like I would be breaking them.
they're like small harpoons, so you need to pull those plastic parts to release them first :)
Do you use your fingers to do that?
replace the wire
Take 5-6cm off the cord (where it's connected to the board of the mouse) then rewire it and it works again. But if your motor skills aren't high+ I wouldn't recommend since the wires are 1mm in diameter :P
i have 3 mx518 last days xD all fucked up like this. just dont buy it ennymore imo .next mouse ime 3.0
I had the same prob with my old mx518 so I just bought new one :)
me too :(
it's my last mx518 imo :p
lol, seems mx518 fails!
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