Need designer

Hello CF,

i need a designer for a new website for my clan.
The design should be sliced in XHTML / CSS.

Im willing to pay
Only PM me if u have references to existing sites.

- PM ReVa on #Target
- PM ReVSter on CF

Thanks 4 reading!
gl hf no flame
decent design != few euro
True... Ill edit it ;p
i can make one pm me @ irc ;d
Check out tbh?
Nice link thx dwaynie
<3, how are you lately?
Well bit sick really lately

But doing fine other wise.. came back to active ET for CC6.. hoping to go with #target :)

U? still newswriter/pwner?
Pfff not really.
I write news for epsilon at like once a month, they're quite inactive still. Pwner, oh wish I ever was one.

Gl with target :) Nipple godez for me please!
msg h4des on #webartdesign, he has some n1 designs
how much do you pay? i could get graphicdesigner for you : ff
I would Designe 4 you, but only for 700€ a weak
ineed a to website
If you are willing to pay, just order a whole new website or just buy a design from some website, they cost like 10$
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