Best in theory

Hey dudes and girls!

I was wondering what would be ideal settings and player dimensions for perfect aiming in theory

Example sens, fov, gaming style (wrist/whole hand)

are here something common with JiPp0, mystic, maus , raziel for example :D

And what do u think that is it possible to aim "perfectly"

think twice!
"And what do u think that is it possible to aim "perfectly""

u never know:<

ask SwedenferuS aka "They says i know how to shoot"
Yes, they all suck.
i would say low - med sens, 90 or 100fov and wrist aim. While higher fov and sens might improve your strafe, gamesense and dueling in close areas, lower fov and stable sens will improve your overall aim imo. Just spec a random demo with 105 fov and 90 fov, you will see that the aiming might look good at 105, but with 90 u can see more errors.
"And what do u think that is it possible to aim perfectly"

no :D humanity and perfection.... that doesn't rly fit ;P

too much things that lower you acc... ping, your own reaction, recoil, bad friction between mousefeet and pad
MX518, USB on 500hz, 400DPI, 2.5 sensitivity.
jippo wtf?? :D
thought the same
perfect aim? like instant 3 headshots in 0.0001s when enemy appears? no
mid sens,sure
more whole hand (not arm) than wrist
fov? lower than 105
you mean perfect aim ? :d no this cannot be done by human senses
making avis of aimbot ownage... someone should get a real life :(
Actually you can not aim perfectly in ET since there is this damn recoil which is totally useless ( btw in every game recoil is just an annoying factor which has nothing to do with skill ). But people are to dumb to understand that so they talk shit like it has to be a bit realistic and "there has to be recoil otherwise every noob could play decently". Do me a favor and release finally a game w/o recoil so that you can actually have fun while playing it.
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