Ancients back to W:ET

Hello crossfire readers

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Ancients was a clan created in 2004 by Belgium cLoud & Belgium Sixkill - After competing in OC Premier division twice and having good results they decided to call it a day. One of its members : BelgiumAdore is now coming back to the scene with the intentions of succesfully rebuilding this team.
I also would like to add that we are first going to start of with a 3on3 team and expanding into 6on6 afterworths, meaning we still need one guy - prefferably Belgian or dutch yet this is not neccesary.

Furthermore, I would like to add that people who are having troubles with lag, such as in impossible to play with ping lags, or horrible FPS drops actually anyone that has any type of lag that comes in negative please don't apply since we would like to keep the whining inside our team as low as none. Thanks :)

What we expect from you is

›› Maturity and stability.
›› Experienced and skilled
›› Activity in a matter of 4 times each week
›› 16+ Would be preffered.
›› Clean, no cheating or any of that kind.

What you can expect from us is

›› Maturity and stability
›› Experienced by a long shot
›› Activity devided over Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
›› A skill involing good teamplay and a working brain.
›› Clean, no cheating or any of that kind.



Sorry for my bad english

MSN: [email protected]
XFIRE.BE Write me a PM
XFIRE.COM appeltrot
mIRC: #Ancient(s)
gl looks nice :)
overload under fakenicks
adore aka ambrosia
No. -> What trixor said.
adore aka coheed aka ambrosia. do you think i am stupid?

i know him + tell him to change his name when connecting to a server.

"ambrosia connected"
You're stupid if you think that ambrosia = coheed!
R.O.F.L its stupid how you guys can't hide it
not rly, you're the stupid one^^
use the excuse how you use his cfg

"random tag.Ambrosia connected to the server"
"Adore joined team Allies"
check guids and ip's plz
and many ppl here will know that my voice is the absolute opposite of ambro's
not hard to change ip and guid. btw i had you on my xfire. And since i don't forget retards easly i know that you renamed from coheed to adore and from adore to ambrosia. oh wait it was your brother right
nope, have a brother tho :p
i wont be spending my day arguing with a retard like you

look at all ambro's topics, everyone said HI AMBRO/KAZUU/ Whatever

and here, you're the only one dumb enough to think i am him, he has lots of posts where he says ambrosia and adore making team

was searching and i didnt find even 1 post where he says both names. and also you connected to a server with tag inst - ambrosia that is from

and one more thing. even if HE (you) posted a topic with 2 names ( ambrosia and adore) he also got one topic where he (you) is so retarded to put him (you) in the lineup with one name and as a manager with other name. look here

hi2u2 ambrosia
My thought exactly :D
Belgium Adore aka Coheed aka Lumi aka Atreyu aka Jami =)
Belgium Kesira aka Ambrosia
datis ambro niet, kesira is lauw^^
since i am so smart i understand your comment i am 1000% sure you are ambrosia. and you can't hide it Prl'Coheed aka Adore aka Ambrosia. Had you on my xfire mongol
yes idd and you knew me as lumi back in the days with cornu, and dont call me mongol for no valid reason
mongol for hiding your identity
Zeer rare gasten. Maar ze schiete wel heady's gl
vo ancient
GL, nice to see some old belgians returning to the scene
PM me if your ready to make a comeback! :>
hehe, I'll be able to tell you more in February ;)
Member For: 13 days
Oh, I forgot the the amount of time that you are registerd on crossfire = the amount of time you play ET, ok I apologise!
You better return also and play with me <3
Åsgards will beat you.
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