Questionnaire: eSports: Sport or not?

I am doing research whether gaming should or shouldn't be accepted as a sport. The research is officially for my study, but I plan to release it through other channels as well.

There was already a poll on this website regarding this subject. To make my research regarding this subject more effective, I would like to request your help to fill in this questionnaire: - It will only take a couple of minutes of your time and I would really appreciate it!

If you have ideas or suggestions for the improvement of the effectiveness of this research, please let me know! They are all welcome! Opinions as well!
only starcraft
sportgames are!
Sport obviously, most esports have the basic concept for passing as a sport.
except you sit on a chair and click things and push buttons. you don't kick, punch, tackle, hit or swing at anything. (unless your pc is being shit then you have to beat the shit out of it xD)
What about chess, it's kinda like games, u need to move ur fingers from time to time and u have to think if u play also what all sports need is good reaction time and computer games need it. Maybe u even move ur fingers/hand(mouse) more while playing computer games than eg chess. Imo u can say that e-sports is sports, u just don't sweat and do so much physical workout, but it has many things common to "real" sports.
eSports has some things that you need for sports but as you said the physicality is missing for it to be recognized as a real sport. imo a sport needs something that makes your feet move and involves some sort of strength. i know that people have strengths in games but its not the same strength, if you know what i mean
but tbh sitting for several hours is kinda long workout : )))))))))))))
my brother sweats when he plays ET xDD
he k1ck his pc
some times you get angry when your pc only gives you 25 fps unstable on supply or braundorf(good fps maps) xD
I personally wouldn't class it as a sport, however I can see it being classed as one in general.
I wouldn't mark gaming as a sport, though like chess it requires a good brain (well..most of the time :D).
nerd sport :)
Really, you see in Olympic games sports like "Pistol Shooting". Sports like Bowling, Biljard, Darts. When you look at that sport on TV all "players" have beer belly and well... I dont think they do allot of workout.

If I can go to bar, drink beer and shoot some airpistol and get to olympic. Then why not gaming cant get into sports?

esports is not where you do allot of sweating, but it still requires skill and allot of it.

Ofc you ge practice gaming and you say "everybody" can be professional.
You can practice chess for 24/7 2 years. But will you still be the best?
Will you be the best gamer if you play 24/7 for 2 years?
This ol’ chestnut :)

‘Esports’, in its current guise, will never be a mainstream product. That’s not to say competitive gaming can’t succeed, it probably will do – but it’ll probably be in the form of Xbox Live style tournaments, Pro Evolution, FIFA & CoD15 played by Joe six-pack on his couch, gamepad in-hand. The best we can hope for is the power of a pc in your TV – for anything relating to our vision. Though who really cares? Jonathan Wendell wins $30,000 – who gives a shit? People will always play, they’ll always be a cream – regardless of professionalism.

The internet is the future guys…
If darts can be a sport so can online gaming. Enough said...
I wouldn't call it a sport, just a game.
Same for chess or w/e. I don't see the difference between them and games like Ludo or any other board game.
Gaming is certainly more of a sport than equestrian...
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