DBGCRC Prize Status

Because I keep getting messages & seeing comments pertaining to those awaiting prizes from the Don Baker Gateway For Cancer Research Cup, I ask that you please be patient with me. I have not forgotten you rather I am at the mercy of the sponsors.

Outlined below is the status of each prize

1st $196 (USD)

Payed in full to urtier of mamut.si on Jan. 12, 2009

2nd 2 month 20 man etpro from etgamehosting.com & 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice

ETgamehosting contacted & has requested email of prize winner. Email was sent & awaiting response. Please keep in mind that etgamehosting is run by one person & he works out of town. He has assured me the server will be setup when he returns home.

Nationvoice CEO has been contacted & I am awaiting his reply. If I don't hear from him by the 22nd I will call him.

3rd 2 month 10 slot Ventrilo Server fom NationVoice

Nationvoice CEO has been contacted & I am awaiting his reply. If I don't hear from him by the 22nd I will call him.
journal pls
Journal will get pushed down to fast, was hoping for a stick from the crossfire Gods :)
Pms, not really anyone else's business for now.
I respectfully disagree

Cup was a matter of public record
Prizes were a matter of public record
Status of those prizes should be public record

pretty sure in the US anyway, anytime you offer a contest legally any & all information pertaining to prizes must be made available to the general public

Besides I have nothing to hide
It's not that we think you have anything to hide. It's just that we don't care.
& I dont care that you dont care. To be quite honest not every topic on crossfire pertains to you. The people it does pertain to probably have a different opinion.
Then we’ll respectfully agree to disagree :)

[Notice the topic wasn’t deleted], ‘n I’ve no issue with you making it public (generally agree with the principle of things being open & honest) – just offering a reasoning for the lack of sticky, nor is it something I’d generally post, beyond the initial announcement of winners, with the usual prizes go out in due course – unless there was extenuating circumstances ^^
you know I always respect your opinion ;)
rumours say urtier ran away with all the money ; he quit ET
thats ok he shouldn't be hard to find 8|
oh that was mean :(
What... I simply meant that hes always around ;)

I <3 urtier
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