
Ok i have this problem with punkbuster. When i go onto a public server and some war servers and tj servers i will get kicked for PunkBuster Heartbeat failure.exe

Its really getting on my nerves

i have re installed ET and i have turned off firewall and nothing happened.

if there is another solutions please tell me

:D :(
pb sucks ass
no i dont :x
im not ambrosiaaa
ever thought of using the search function?
yes i have infact and nothing.:S please just post help
dont laugh thats what pb runs off of!
Congratulations, you got the millionth topic about punkbuster!!!
dont exec cfg? :S
why dont u people just su and gtfo. or just help this guy
i think i had that problem using my old cfg .. made a new one and worked fine again, not sure what the problem was tho :S
Rewrite that search function, 90% of the CF community NEEDS it
U have alot of topics here at cf with same subject as u have many solutions in... dunno why u dont take some time and do research here and im sure u will find alot of helpful informations for it. Anyway i think its probably some cmds at ur config... u get kicked after doing vid restart?
rofl me too, i lag, then get kicked ...fucking pb :>
and what about,corrupted windows API function (131144) :X

all the fixes doenst work for me:(
ty for that, but i was using windows 7 (it rlly rox!!!) and all these didn't worked for me :(

now back 2 Xp :)
uh what kind of OS is that?
familiar to vista or xp, since i hear for it first time i think.
But yh that API error is most of time at vista sistem so it should be related also then with ur os that u are using it atm. I hope it will be all allright after chaning back to xp :P
have you tried punkbuster update?
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