
Haihai, I'm sorry to post again but our last topic only had some cheesy offers so 2nd time, good time? :)
Hello crossfire readers

image: cooltext410430210

Ancients was a clan created in 2004 by Belgium cLoud & Belgium Sixkill - After competing in OC Premier division twice and having good results they decided to call it a day. One of its members : BelgiumAdore is now coming back to the scene with the intentions of succesfully rebuilding this team.
Additionaly: we are first going to start of with a 3on3 team and expanding into 6on6 afterworths, meaning we still need one guy - prefferably Belgian or dutch yet this is not a must, we accept players from over the globe if they fit our demands.

Furthermore, I would like to add that people who are having troubles with lag, such as in impossible to play with ping lags, or horrible FPS drops actually anyone that has any type of lag that comes in negative please don't apply since we would like to keep the whining inside our team as low as none. Thanks :)

What we expect from you is

›› Maturity and stability.
›› Experienced and skilled
›› Activity in a matter of 4 times each week
›› 16+ Would be preffered.
›› Clean, no cheating or any of that kind.

What you can expect from us is

›› Maturity and stability
›› Experienced by a long shot
›› Activity divided over Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
›› A skill involing good teamplay and a working brain.
›› Clean, no cheating or any of that kind.



Sorry for my bad english

MSN: [email protected]
XFIRE.BE Write me a PM
XFIRE.COM appeltrot
XFIRE.COM² kesira
mIRC: #Ancient(s)
Nice layout, gl.
stop posting this every day Ambrosia
stop nicklaming :X
wasn't adore busted for some etbot key binding match?
and what's your old nick kesira?
mmh whatever, gl
Always has bin kesira, stopped playing in 2004 tho.
ok take it as a compliment then but you shoot quite well for someone with a 14 days old cf acc who only played cod/etqw due to his profile / stopped playing et in 2004! :p
lol, this is 100% Ambrosia
gl ambrosia & coheed!
Gl ambrosia :>
What happend to etqw team?
We're experiencing a bit of an ET adernaline, we'll go to ETQW when its time to fold the ETsquad ( Could take a while ! :) )
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