Fps prob by punkbuster

got 50/60 fps but when i disable punkbuster i got 125 fps but now i want 125 fps when my punkbuster is eneable!

Can you help me please. OMG NL OWNS?
gl fixing it !:>
i now how you feel about it! it's getting me sick of it
its getting me sick coz i wanna join a certain team but i cant aim on maps like radar/grush
im like low+ on 6on6 sometimes :X

today I ordered new hardware, hopefully it helps
Wont... I'm @ Quad! 60fps grush
Well, as ET can't utilize multi-core, it doesn't matter wether you are on 2GHz 4-core or 2GHz single-core. Or well, of course it does because technology improves and you get more out of a 2009 2GHz processor than you get out of a 2004 2GHz processor, but you get the idea.
ET actually does share processing threads across all cpu's, it's a common thing now, I know task manager shows 1 processor being used but the threads are litteraly not on 1 core, since there actually is only 1 processor but it emulates 4, yes true :(.
I dunno, I sometimes want to have ET running on core1 and everything else on core0, but no matter how many times I change the affinity to core1 it just resets to core0 after a few minutes.
Same here mate, nothin to do about. Maybe you got some luck when the new etpro is released. Dunno
pb_morefps 1
pm cuttyP
plz stfu with all these ping whiners realy i dnt get it. with pb 125 fps without pb 125 max just buy a computer and stop whining about pb. or just deal with it
i dont whine when i get fps 25-40 i got a shit pc
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