Monitor Help

Hello cf :)

I recently changed my monitor to my samsung tv to see what the quality was like but when i changed them back my current monitor,the orginal gives me this msg when et is run

"out of range"

this forces me 2 have to turn off my computer and its rly annoying :D

any help would be awesome cheers
Frequency too high, set r_displayrefresh.
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 75
if you need help, pm CuttyP, he knows it all.
Quotethis forces me 2 have to turn off my computer and its rly annoying :D

did you try ALT + ENTER ? x'D this switches you to windowed mode and back to your deskop resolution and displayrefresh

and put your r_displayrefresh to 60, if that works you can try 75
r_mode i have no clue, dunno what aspect ratio TV's use
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