NC skiller

Captained Ireland in Clanbase NC, that means I'm NC skill, and with the certain fail of the team, I need a new one.
I prefer if your UK based, if not and your Dutch or something, you should have a decent sense of humour like Rewolf or Belgium Rhand. The idea of stable has kind of gone out the window, teams just put it in their post as standard now, when they aren't really stable. I'd like a team that's actually going to go somewhere, it'd also be cool if you had one of those players like Scotland Stormeh, who's just naturally super awesome in every way.

About me:

- Med skilled (flame on for the people who think their super funny)
- Bringing a new method of comms and whine mixed together.
- Super game sense.
- Active, just tell me when
- Prefer Medic / fops
- Experienced

You need to be:

- English speaking
- Active
- Playing often in ladders and one day cups
- Training often
- Stable
- Good comms
- Have the ability to take the piss out of anything for no reason like Scotland Sean
- Have vent and gameservers etc.
- Don't be one of those guys who says "lool" every time they die.
- Don't be a drug addict like Ireland Vaako

If your interested you can pm me on crossfire or /query Bilgrim

Gl billy med+ skill at least
ireland's captain
lovely voice

luv u baby
Going to try and get VPL up and running again but GL regardless!
Intelligent post. gl mate!
thanks !
I'm afraid it's a different Stormeh buddy :(
I know :DDDDDDDD but as people keep confusing us we're making fun of it :p
good luck Bilgrim !
you should have a decent sense of humour like Rhand.

:DDDDDDDDDD nice one

nice sense of humor :D
Good luck Billy Billy Octinvale!

I'm sure i'll have a panzer protruding from my anal region very soon!
Low+ if that but gl and thanks for the lolz :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Thanks for the skill update there Capo, I'll trust it coming from a guy that clearly knows what he's talking about.
- Med skilled (flame on for the people who think their super funny)

No need to be funny :p

Bil you are nowhere near MED so stop kidding urself. You have no idea how much we all lol'd when we all read that :p. You're no better than me and i'm low+ now on a good day lol. Wake up pal and u'll stop getting flamed :D
Here I was thinking I couldn't fall any more in love with you than I already did. I couldn't have been more wrong.
since when are you dating people who feel to spot irony?
feel or fail?
and that was a feel
Yeah, I agree, your not even low. Yet you put in your Irc "recruiting med skill minimum" implying that you have med skill players, which you don't. + you still never get a game higher than low+.

You guys at tyrant think you know everything about ET, and you like to judge my on those precious times when I like to go panzer and fail it up. Capo, sorry but I've never seen you get more than 2k damage in any given game. And your intense knowledge of ET is beyond me, like when you /quit every single game you play after the first round and go off crying.
QuoteYou guys at tyrant think you know everything about ET, and you like to judge my on those precious times when I like to go panzer and fail it up

No Bil we judge you on your ability to suck at ET and your great lack of knowledge of the game.

If you can't take being flamed don't post bullshit.

And for the record, i /quit at times because i cba to play in 'teams' with certain people who just do what they want rather than what the 'team' needs.
I can take flame, but not from a complete retard like yourself
Seriously, you sit around all day doing nothing with your life but talking shit about people on the internet. You've been playing this game for what, like 4 years? And you still suck, good job.
Jesus what did i miss
billgirm stfu you annoying little twat we really saw you med+ today :)
don't bring tyrant into it :-/
"you should have a decent sense of humour like Rewolf or BelgiumRhand."

please, ha
Piss off loser.
Bilgrims is a fuckin amazing player.
As if playing for team Ireland means anything
good luck :>
gl billy ya irish nublet... ;)
gl, cool guy
Sean is so easy bash anyway
Hey Al, that was pretty cr8ive m8.
- Don't be a drug addict like Vaako

dont know vaako but guess this rules me out :(((
what u pushin?
gl, nice playa!
Captained Ireland in Clanbase NC, that means my country sucks

Thanks for the Bigbeats references babe <3
billlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly! we recuting.... lmao you already got ya channel :P gl m8
Good luck bill :D
Well played Billy Boy! Knock em dead :)
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