what kind of cheat is this:
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_reload = "+reload;-reload"
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_attack = "+attack;-attack"

ô0 aimbot?
Server Log Data
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_reload = "+reload;-reload"
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_attack = "+attack;-attack"

wat is this ?
QuoteServer Log Data
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_reload = "+reload;-reload"
->PBSV: [From #3 04b4(?) ^0ke^3t^0a] alias_attack = "+attack;-attack"

for the millionth time srsly

its etbot and NO its not a script its a bind

alias_attack is the prefix just like xx_attack kik_aim and others.

Bust confirmed
loled he wasnt even good :XD
Lol :<

He just came back from inactivity and played with me for like a week. I think he just wanted to be as good as me ... =D
kikoo Kinetics|keta :)
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i never cheated.. it was like mirageji sayed.. just put my binds into the cfg and join the server.. banned... was stupid.. i learned... and over...

and i never played 4 Kinetics..
Nice try, too bad your grammar sucks balls
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