Newbie looking for team

Hi crossfire community.

Im looking for 6on6 or 3on3 team.

Infos about me:

My skill is not better than low+ (cause i never played in good team)
ET player since 2004/05 but only for fun on publics (now its serious buisness :D)
Before ET i played CoD2, BF2, CoD5 but when i started play again i think ET > ALL
From Poland (Pround to be polish :-) )
Im active 4/5 days or more.
Can speak Poland or United Kingdom
Can be on back up

expected from clan:

Nice guys
skill is not important
Be active
could teach me something

pm me here or prv message


I <3 ALL
gl nice post!
Nice post, hopefully someone will give you the chance to develop :) GL!
Thanks guys.
gl <3 m8 ;* he is lying he is high
Thx nice to play with you (3on3 yesterday) but you are better than me :<
Hi raptux.
gl & welcome
Gl man, nice post :)
GooD Luck First topic w/o skillfake <3
are you really 9? :-)
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