need help w/ nighttime lag

daytime (morning - 5pm) : 50 ping
nighttime (5pm - morning) : 90 - 998 ping
nights per week that ping goes insane: 4/7

same ping fluctuation on all servers

here's what i think:
- leave my computer on all day, gets slow after 10+ hrs being on?
- com_hunkmegs = too low?
- overclock everything on my 2006 pc makes it crazy sometimes?

Get a new provider.
Get new provider!( in morning there aint much ppl online, in the evening it seems to be more :) or make sure your brother/sister w/e isn't up/downloading!:) )
Pfft, you actually said exactly the same thing as I did but longer... wich makes you seem smarter... :(
well, because i copied your comment, i show i can;t think about that on my own so you re the pro!
Well, now that you've put it like that I'm sooooo happy :)
it is not connection based...

it hasn't happened with my past PCs, and I've had 3 PCs in last year - this is the only pc that lags.

sry but ty

take2 : )
why would you capitilize the first two "PCs" but not the last one. stupid
Why do you use a period, while the sentence is a question? Stupid.
im his friend and just insulting him in a friendly way.
And I insulted you back in the same manner, so there's no problem.
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