need help w/ nighttime lag
daytime (morning - 5pm) : 50 ping
nighttime (5pm - morning) : 90 - 998 ping
nights per week that ping goes insane: 4/7
same ping fluctuation on all servers
here's what i think:
- leave my computer on all day, gets slow after 10+ hrs being on?
- com_hunkmegs = too low?
- overclock everything on my 2006 pc makes it crazy sometimes?
nighttime (5pm - morning) : 90 - 998 ping
nights per week that ping goes insane: 4/7
same ping fluctuation on all servers
here's what i think:
- leave my computer on all day, gets slow after 10+ hrs being on?
- com_hunkmegs = too low?
- overclock everything on my 2006 pc makes it crazy sometimes?
it hasn't happened with my past PCs, and I've had 3 PCs in last year - this is the only pc that lags.
sry but ty
take2 : )