M!nd the cheaterbuster!

clanbase=1 (Created on: 8 Oct 2006 20:51)

he trying to bust me by spaming on mIRC, LOL

(/whois start)
—› Mind` is "Mind" (Mind@
—› Mind` is authed as "AmonRa90"
—› Mind` opped in #Allu #clan.komedia #cwRd #irz #Sna.menphus #swanmix #team-circa #team-orly?
—› Mind` voiced in #criatura.et
—› Mind` reg in #3on3.et #6on6.et #a-monkeys #cdap #dfiance #et-rekryfi #et.fi #ET-Finland
—› Mind` using *.quakenet.org (QuakeNet IRC Server)
—› Mind` has been idle for 1min 40secs
—› Mind` signed on 4hrs 20mins 10secs ago
(/whois end)

to be continued...
ye well, you are just so fucking obvious at publics ;D
hey schat, sorry van gister :< ns dienstregelingen
ik vind die nieuwe best fijn opzig!
oude treinen van ns :S
hey! When chater becomes a cheat buster! i loled

you are eE moron not cheatbuster :o)
Mind is a rifle then if he use a aimbot (et_aim) its a bit useless no ?
hacker busting a hacker.... i give a big lol!
idd, thats exactly what i thought
well i've played with him many times, and he's not using anything.. et_aim 1 is just from someones cfg's imo
Ei, kyllä se ihan myönsi käyttäneensä, tai jossain "non-pb servulla" ja sitten "unohti" sen conffeihin.
hey mind, in the hot news :d
thats interesting:
Quote i find ..., netcoder accounts

just let us know how u wanna relate exactly one of the accounts to one single person
never hear about IP address?
and u r admin at netcoders and do have the access to view them? ;D
u need attention? or u spam only for retarded life, virtual hero? ;D
no, i am bored @ work as usual
but since i am involved in that shitty hax-scene i know whats the point if u r talking bout to proove via netcoders-accounts - cause i know thats its impossible for u
u can go on with spending money in ur hax, but stop to bust someone, u r out of trust
ok who are you ? exept huMmeL fanboi
rofl, another proof 4 ur intelegence :D
10 weeks ago u wanted to join us - but yeah thats rly long time ago...hmm about 3 ETBot-versions ago?
10 weeks are about 15 etbot versions ;)

and btw he would be the last person that got access to our ips ;)
hmm, dont be so sure, cause Kurbads is one of these hyper-intellegent hax-developers - they can hax whatever they want especially the one and only "i-am-proud-pf-my-hax-Kurbads" / "he-had-a-better-wh-than-me-bann-him-plz-Kurbads"
gonna work a lil bit now :)
hi2u seller, how many dealings u got this month mr. wnb coder?
muahahaaaa 10 weeks ago u wanted to join us i just played 1 game with Reliably only because they ask me, and u was too low for me. btw i cheat then? cant remember, u must have pb_screens+demos etc
pfff, if u say it, it must be true^^


edit: this one is worth to mention too:

ban! this isnt 1st time he get busted
But then I lold! :D, he doesn't use no cheats imo, just a good aim... Sure a lot of people have tried cheats on no pb servers, but he doesn't cheat on pb servers....!
nice sentence construction
so your saying you and him have cheated ones, gl
there is no proofs, and who care? this journal is about little hax0r M!nd
ahhahaahahahahhaahahahhahaahhahaha :DDDDDDDDDDDD older than old xD
+ he's a bad racist==ban
if someone uses that cheat, and then uses the command /writeconfig then the "et_aim 1" will also be written in there, now he gives this config to somebody, and if this somebody joins a PB server he gets kicked for a command he never used :P
He isn't cheating in clanwars
no he cheat in clanwars, look @ yawn, btw u sell him these doings or just give for free? :>
Im not sharing to him. Why do you even think so?

And there's only a cvar repot in yawn, "et_aim 1"
Dont know why people still continue to open topics. :(

We already know that clanbase protect the haxors.. Just need to look at opencup.
kurbards ur the hacker tbh, go and bust urself Oo
kurbads the attention seeking kiddie, bust yourself.
Didn't you quit ET ?
i quit sergay, now i will catch hax0rz, beware!
start with urself idiot
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