need multi-gaming clan

nSens is in look out for a multi-gaming clan after recently completing line up

We have achievements already in 3on3 looking to get the same success in 6on6

what we expect
*Nice support when needed
*any CC6 support would be a great help be not needed

What we can provide
*Nice stable line up (with the exception of emortal)
*3on3 top rankings CB/ESL
*active n 6on6 and 3on3 ladders and Cups
*going to CC6

Denmark bamZe
Denmark fiskEn
Denmark fryzer
Turkey kaZer
Ireland emortal
Netherlands Allir

contact one of us at #nSens or pmme on crossfire
Allir is low.

emortal :XD
gl boys!
gl guys <3 :)
ok im maybe slow, but why a multigaming clan?

anyway gl
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