who wants mehhh brandon

i am brandon and i play ET i like long walks on the beach and like a nice time on a bed
im clanless and i need a team
i dont know what my skill is considering i havent played in 6 months
i play med thats bout it cuz i forgot a bunch of shit besides the use of my long erected needle

im from usa woooo

i have played for xf and shrapnelz and a couple of other decent teams but not worht mentioning holla at me
first i thought it was anim :{
sexy voice
by any chance, is your ingame name brandon heat, or do you use something alike?
and do you lagg like shit?
^0Brandon ^1Heat = Raiven :P
^7Brandon Heat = guy with veeeeeery young yawn and awsome (clean? xD) aim ;]
no, this is not brandon heat, or brendan aka kad or brandon aka myself or any other brandon, just some random usa player that never played in a team longer than a couple of weeks
its you dont deny it


youre american obviously
Are you the Brandon / Corey guy I know from looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago and came from Florida ?
holla at you brandon!
gl anim
played with him on elemt... not bad....GL....get him

edit: he got 2dmg more than me -.-
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