Solomon Cless !


Well I guess VPL seems to gone the inactive route so I need a 6v6 team.

I'd say I'm around low+ on a good day with a fair wind, really active and a team player

I want a team that actually plays 6v6 games on a regular basis and is active in the evenings

Pm me here in #vplclan

gl chap, nice guy to play with
great guy, definitely better than low+ =)

Gl mate, nice pick up!
gl solomon, someone take him !
Solomon is the best!
solomon pro rifle Gl m8!
this guy is instant win!, GL
haha gl solo
gl, sounds nice :)
Gl Soloman mate :)
Great guy. Take him <3
deserves a good team, take him :)
I was just planning to recruit this guy when I saw all these "great guy, take him" posts. Fishyyy
top bloke and hes mid actually. gl solly
gl solomon :)
"Great guy, take him!"

Not much else I can say here. :¬ )
gl Solo, a true legend and better than low+.
gl sol :-)))
gl mate!
very nice guy, take him!

gl solomon mate.
gl Sol :)

We'll miss you at VPL :(
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