Kill Denmark referee / PROUD TO BE CROAT!!!!

2Denmark referee fuck finale in handball!!!!

2009 Handball Croatia

proud to be croat

kill the one whos pushing my topic down with journallike topics
oh croatia failed? cool :D
u can just stfu cos your country is 4 !!!!
France > Denmark > Croatia
u stink just like ur gay country imbecil
France > Denmark > Croatia
they are all crying over a shit sport :D
+ handball is a fail sport
fucking fat ass blind ref omfg
France in handball > *
Casual whine about the ref after a loss ......
you're just mad cos you got owned in semi finals :DDDDD
you're just mad cos you got owned in finals :DDDDD
ah, so that's why you lost in qualifications when we had a normal referee :D
I didnt lose. I dont care about handball, i'm just making fun of you retarded fanboys that sit in their sofa drinking beer thinking THEIR team is the bestestest altho they dont have anything in common with them. Except being retarded.
made my day <3
3 gays have spoken
<3 much love m8
It's because france applied a turnover and had no pressure in quali. They just won the most important match in wc.
What are you even talking about, France was clearly better :DDD
It was sad cos Vori get red card cos he want kick ass to referee .... sad is he dont kill him
u guys from poland rly can stfu cos u are 3rd
Croate's player don't know fair-play :<
kPlaN'ies dont knowes english

what fair play? showing your hands into your opponents faces is fair play?
Showing the ball in the head's ref is fair-play? France > Croatia
you're retarded as fuck, WOW HE FAKED A HEADSHOT, THAT'S NOT FAIR PLAY...fucking french idiot
You'r very funny :)
hahahah they was fair as hell.. to bad your cuntry dident have enough strength to match French
you're either retarded or flame-baiting
you simply had no chance to win.. and now you blame the refs :D get a grip
that's why we have beaten them already few days ago

I'm not blaming the refs but they surely didn't help for this to be somewhat fair, they're the worst refs I've seen in last few years
the way i saw it (dident care who the fuck won) its was pretty fair.. your playes was just tired and dident have the ideas to break the freanch defence.
I agree that france played very well and their defence was good, but I'm also saying that the refs were awful, their criteria was weird and they didn't stick to it all the time, they seemed to fluctuate in their judgement of situation, just horrible
only saw the last 20 mins so cant rly tell
The Germans had really a reason to blame the refs, but you?! Actually, there were some tough decisions, but all in all the performance was ok. France was simply better.
Amazing atmosphere in the arena.
Just a fact, like its a fact that France was better. Balic sucked balls today, just a drama queen.
but not anymore after Croatia lost :/
ye too bad :( :D
stupid reaction
dunno what happened but referees where the biggest shit in this cup :D
eiM has spoken

nice engrish + who cares its just handball -.-------<x
Need more of this whine, seriously.
Idiots, they ruined the championship
I just rewatched the second half (it was just shown again on the telly) and I specifically looked for any referee mistakes. There wasn't any, they were even very patient with the Croatian coach.

France was the better team today, simple as.
well dont blame the referees, you just need to learn how to play fair
Why is it that croatian people always want something that doesn't belong to them?
We were stronger. Win in the Zagreb Arena with 15 000 croatian spectators who are supporting their team.

... but referee was rly sucks
Well, if croatian judges came to denmark to rip u off I probably wouldnt see any judging mistakes as well. See where I'm going? They're not team DENMARK, they're judges from Denmark. Why the hell do u have this need to defend them. I dont get it
Not really, because we are able to lose and not go nuts because we can't admit defeat.

I don't really care about the fact that the refs were Danish. I just think you guys are acting completely retarded, just like I think the Germans have been acting completely retarded after some of the matches they have lost. Sure referees makes mistakes, but if you are the better team, you usually win. See where I'm going?

I did not spot any huge mistakes, when rewatching the second half, and especially looking for mistakes.
did you watch the first half? check some of the decisions they make from around 10-20 or 25 mins (can't really remember, I'd have to watch again to give you the exact moments but I'm pretty sure they made like 3-4 decisions that are very doubtful, I remember debating them with my dad)

I'll be the first one to admit that we played bad, worst match we played on the tournament, our attack was futile and defense could barely keep up(not getting any credit from the refs aswell) but the refs were bad and I don't give a flying fuck where they're from, they were bad

not giving much more credits to the french because they didn't play amazing aswell, it was just that their defense held up better(and here's where I think the refs made a mistake, allowing some things happen without punishment, things that weren't nice) cos there was a period of like 10 mins where only one goal was scored, and it was the french who scored it
Croatia has played well in whole tournament, too bad they failed in most important match. Same with PL, but they failed in SemiFinal, which was easy to win, we just made too many mistakes.. Anyway I am proud of Poland. They did a great job. GG France.
e tebe mora da su tukli u mladosti da si tako ruzan ispao
nice 1
Hajde reci mi

Koga vise volis?
Bosna ili Slovenia? :D
Handball.. Seriously?
viva la france, viva la legion etrangere :)
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