germans for rtcw-cup

still need at least 2 players for the upcoming rtcw cup!

- 4 german underdogs
(uberlineup: timen, smu, gerstensaft, asko)

- german
- got rtcw & time to play like 2 evenings in the week (will be march)
- creative enough to invent a name for the team !!!!! :D

pmme in
it seems to be
gimme key
gief key plöx :(

e1: such gerade cd :X habs gleich
e2: gefunden
timen low- max! :o
avi , no cd key :<
avi with orig key.
[ger]mit oder ohne CDkey? :>
timen = insta fail
najut wenn ihr keinen findet spiel ich wohl ^^
:o nameless team hat doch was :o
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