As I see there's like million teams searching for MGC/sponsors I came to an idea. How about every MGC that would be willing to accept one team more would post their infos on one topic. It would help a lot for the clans to search MGC and also it would be good publicity for newly formed MGC's. Sure, you could find a team by just posting your infos normally to forum section, but many good clans miss those topics because of short time visibility or misleading topic and you might end up losing a great team to some other MGC.

If that kind of topic would be created and admins would make it sticky for few weeks it could help a lot, especially with cc6 coming in 4 months and many teams wanting to go but don't have enough money. So, someone kick this to start as there must be plenty of more trustworthy people for the task than me.
Hello i came to an idea, since everybody needs a clan nowadays lets make all their topics sticky, so everyones topic will be seen for everybody.
this is a good idea
like any self-respecting MGC would like to have anything to do with a retard like u...
its almost like every multigaming clan wanted to post that they are recrutiting, lets say they give server + CC support (whats ofc bullshit since no random mgc can afford lansupport)

they would die from spam from guys like you after 15mins
Not by guys like me since I'm not searching any mgc, just posted this idea to help friend find one...
thousands of MGC's are are just looking forward to get an ET-Team! [/ironic]
its true, but you need to know where to search
xfire is one of the worst places to do that
why nicklaming?
Nice idea to be honest :)
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