
image: cc6logonf9

Hi Crossfire!

Aktrona is going for CC6 and since we have a couple guys in our team that are not able to come to LAN, we are forced to look for those CC6 avi ones!

> Friendly folks :)
> med skilled
> United Kingdom Comms, Netherlands in-game whine.
> servers, vent, BNC etc.
> LAN support

You need to be:
> cc6 avi ofc
> However, partially pay the costs.
> med / med+ - feel free to ask a try-out
> United Kingdom speaking.
> IF possible, already LANxprienced. (Not necessary though).

IRC:#team-aktrona & #fwhelp
PM Fatal1ty or Walkin
1st, always wanned to do that once xD

n1 post Walkin ! :D
n1 walking but give us your line-up :D:D:DD
LU is secretly in construction..sorry!
just gimme try-out :<
expect mistaken the american to make an appearance @ cc6
We will announce lineUp when its completed :D
What's your aka back in the days?
u gonna win cc6

sorry :<
online only, not all are cc6 avi ty.
Fatal1ty will be instant win
indeed, even vs. h2k
how much u pay me if I join?
2low!. zij dan;d
FATAL1TY ?!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!?!!??!?!??!?!
gl walkin :))
omg United States of America fatal1ty in ET, that's gonna be pure pwnage!
I don't think thats the real fatal1ty but a dutch one or something. And med/+ nah dont think so, this will fail @ cc6 imo. GL though
no shit? rotfl
Thx for the info, I wouldn't guess it's not him!
Next time try to figure something smarter if you want to piss me off ;)
So don't write a bullshit like "u are polak, u are dumbass" next time.
low+ and lagger but gl
It was a replay for your "love?", I just don't like when people talking bullshit but it's far from being pissed since half of this fucked community are doing this, so Im kinda used to it.
anyways, gtfo again.
yeah low+ max
Hello guys.

I just want to see something, and ask few things arround.
Well, Aktrona eSports already exist. Since of late 2004 year.
Before we even played ut99 since when it was active, but we were just a fun crew then.
Today we are part of one of the biggest organisation in Balcan called HR-gaming. Well if u don't mind answering me, how can some1 be so lame and take a name wich is already in use and name of a team (EUROPEAN BASED) basicly from BOSNIAHERZEGOWINA, CROATIA, HOLLAND, TURKEY & GERMANY.

Can anybode explain me that? We started seriously on CoD1 then we moved on CoD2 and we are very skilled there playing EC all community knows who is Aktrona.
End then sudenly I go to my friend google, and here to cc6 to see this *hit.

Check out: www.Aktrona.net #Aktrona on qnet (channel is maybe expired becouse of inactivity lately but will be renewed)

U can even check this out on: http://clanbase.ggl.com/claninfo.php?cid=1321573
just put in search of clans name: Aktrona eSports or Aktrona.


or ESL:




etc.. etc... we have our sponsors end stuff. Well I'm not attacking anyone for anything, I'm just asking why to be so lame? But how ever it makes me be proud to see that guys like our name =) and that our name is famous. But I'm looking forward to solve this MISSUNDERSTOOD with each-others.

(if u are part of some game wich includes no ut2k4 or cod2 or cod4, becouse we are multigaming clan, feel free to ask as and join us in team, but please dont take our name without rights to do that)

With all do respect, sry for my bad english, if there is few mistakes.

- head of Aktrona management / clan founder -

Amel "liqzEy" Brkic.
The name aKtrona was made up by zenith and me..we had no idea there was already some organisation named like that. However, don't be feared, the team died a roughly a month ago.
OMG ...

What the f**k is going on with u people...

This is not real Aktrona eSports ( www.aktrona.net ) these are some freakin fakers...

Change your clan name dudes that's not funny...
If you would read the crossfire forums thoroughly, you should know the team no longer exists. Hf with UT and whatever other games.
Okey but I really think u didn't made a name by ur own, but u just fake our team without reason.
It's a lame thing to do, but I'm glad u are over with using it.

It's easy to take some1 elses name ;)

we exist since 2005 and it's kinda stupid to say u discovered that name =)
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