wArning!.Blue recruiting

Hello, after having some major lineup problems and personalty clashes, EuropewArning.blue are recruiting again.

We are look for:
Med+ players
Avi During week days + Sunday 1800 CET to 2300 CET
Must speak United KingdomEnglish well
Must have good coms

We are competing in WL and OC, if you are interested qry United KingdomwA`John or United KingdomwA`Nyke in #wArning!
take me !!!
your to high
should put your lineup atm and which specific classes your looking for.
gl guys!

good group of people :>
krp(oc 7th div) won against warning blue 4-0 :DD
koodr, soz.
Scarce: That's why we're searching new players
You lost to KESKUS RIKOS POLIISI, usually clans die after that humiliation.
:)):):): nice comment mr brain :):):):):
already bux'ed np.
8) Take me! Always wanted to have the legendary wArning! tag <3
gl @ wArning xD
Take me!

Contact #zeus.eSports
gl guys
lol med+ go fuck ur self
Is it physical possible to fuck yourself? It looks like u know a lot about it...
tbh its possible.
Did u ever tried it urself?
low+ max
gl nyke !
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