pinpals in need

Hi ,We are in need of an agreesive and high damage medic to play with us ET masters.

We can offer you; stable line up, a lot of time playing together, and a skilled team.

You have to be SKILLED, good coms on vent (english),SERIOUS, and can prac(monday tuesday wenesday, thursday and sunday) since 22:00 to 24:00 CET.

We need it right now, before saturday to play our qualifier on sunday.

If you are interested, pmme @ xfire or mirc: #THEPINPALS
take me!
gl guys
gl mastercard! xD
gl mates<3
risto owns
risto owns
gl - nice oppo :P i hate your high rank at etmasters xDD
ask perfo
gl boys!
buena suerte
good luck guys !
best of luck guys
gl avi /q
Pero cojones pillarme a mi "an agreesive and high damage medic", todo el mundo sabe que me llevo todos los tiros, balas perdidas, piñas rebotadas, y mochas falsas, y lo de agresivo, pues nada cuando perdamos tiro la pantalla por la ventana xD.
let me guess Germany viol is out 8D ?
wingy is out!
gl tios! una pena lo del winghaven.
cool prac times
one of the few normal clans left, gl guys
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