Best ET action eva!

Hmm you read title i think soo please write here hwat in your opinion is best Et action ever. It could be an awesome frags, amazing docs, gold escaping etc. you know what I mean. Also if you can type when did that happen and what teams were playing cause it's thursday and i have a lot of free time now. It could be also best teamwork and actions like TLR - Dignitas (fragarea 3, radar). It was awesome.
each LAT NC game.
potter vs dsky
when i leaded clan to cb oc 4div win :P
and when JiPp0 laughed to my joke
im sorry that isnt enough for u
reload 3hs luger vs acozz in gr at bank

and the game was paused and the shout-casters bet who will win the 1on1 :D
wasn't that reload?
that was reload vs acozz
lotix panzerfrag frostbite idle - demiurge summer 2006
cc5 mAus gave 3hs with pistol to butchji :D @ delivery !
s4rna in EC in devils vs. HB secured radar>knifed>opponent>planted dyno@cp
jakazc fail jump at adlernest :p
sample killed an enemy instead of me
gods inc's last game!
where can i find this match. I'm part of scene for more than 5 years and i cannot remember this match... weird
dragos awesome panzer kill in the eurocup final
which one EC final ? He played in more than one for sure
Ger vs ... uhm Poland or smth ? Last Year
It was EC not NC...
but hi's panzer still powned =p
CB EC XVI Edit vs Mpg ,no?
Get a life , look at the date of this journal get a life stop reading the Journals like from the last months
no.. its funny
just posting so you'll get annoyed !
Wow, simply amazing. Combined luck + skill = instant win. :D
Yes, have to agree on that :)

Night's panzerfaust at Adlernest vs ND is about on the same level in my opinion.
Ehm, I believe it's in Zaigon, I don't think there's an individual avi of it.
cc5 mAus flamed and quitet et
this forum thread
Seavus vs ... thingy ! EC Final, my god gave me an orgasm..
When i actually ran on a panzer projectile in xpsave etpub :DDDDD
ZeroE vs FiF @ cc5
Won radar on 1 sec :D

<3 ati
I remember!
haha troe :P
whenever i build the tank on goldrush

no1 can stop me
sarnas knife doc secure against highbot ? at last EC

best action ever
my kills ofc way back in the fun times
Team NL vs Team Australia, Nyu taking down 8 man and winning the match by planting and defusing dyno at 1 sec.
mAus luger kill vs. butchji on bremen just as butch was about to secure the keycard.

think it was EC final.

and as already mentioned, dragos pf.
Belgium docrun at delivery yesterday (against japan)
mystic vs kreaturen, He didnt die for 10 minutes or something (supply def)
helios get life jebany nolajfie XD
najladniejsza akcja to jak cie zbrejnsztormowalem w 1on1
xDDDD brainstormer

For lan it was cpc 2: Dignitas vs TLR. Double retrieval of objective @ radar by TLR. Everyone shouted like mad back then. And ofcourse the well known 4 man random airstrike.

For EC it was saevus vs insanity for me. Epic.
TLR vs Dignitas radar truck action, dragos panzer, aCoZz owning on frostbite CDC3
When mvk was able to sabotage eurocup game
maus raping mpg @ ec final supply depot
e*star potter!
a nice one must be - Idle vs deMiurge
pretty epic imo :O)
drago panzerfaust
Every action mAus performs is the best!
playing ETpro just for 2 months now but my fav. was Joop's 5 man Luger Kill at mQ vs OVerdose... or also Butchji's ownage vs diginitas.. there are a lot of great moments in ET cant choose one... =)
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