need cfg help[ger]

Hallo ,
ich habe eine neue cfg sie sieht aber nur gut aus wenn ich sie minimiere...

Wenn sie minimiert ist !!
image: 88739392sk5

wenn sie groß ist
image: 57017522wf9
sie ist im game aber noch heller...

so nun ist meine Frage wie ich das hinkriege das sie genauso ausschaut wie wenn sie miniemirt ist ....
also das verkackte grün weg und so ^^

pls help me ....

//Name: Miguel Nunes

//Controls ---

bind W "+forward"
bind S "+back"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind D "+moveright"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind E "+leanright"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind C "+movedown"
bind CAPSLOCK "+speed"
bind SHIFT "+sprint"
bind F "+activate"
seta sensitivity 1
bind T "messagemode"
bind Y "messagemode2"
bind V "mp_quickmessage"
bind TAB "+scores"
bind L "openlimbomenu"
bind G "+mapexpand"
bind . "zoomin"
bind , "zoomout"
bind ALT "stats"
bind CTRL "+topshots"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "weapalt"
bind R "+reload"
bind F1 "vote yes"
bind F2 "vote no"
bind F11 "screenshot"
bind F12 "record"
bind MWWHEELUP "weapnext"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind 2 "weaponbank 2"
bind 3 "weaponbank 3"
bind 4 "weaponbank 4"
bind 5 "weaponbank 5"
bind 6 "weaponbank 6"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
bind KP_INS "selectbudyall"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "selectbuddy1"
bind KP_5 "selectbuddy2"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "selectbuddy3"
bind KP_HOME "selectbuddy4"
bind KP_UPARROW "selectbuddy5"
bind KP_PGUP "selectbuddy6"
bind mouse3 "weaponbank 3"
bind mouse4 "weaponbank 5"
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 6"
bind ctrl "kill; forcetapout"
bind F5 "class m 1 ;say_team "^7going medic ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F6 "class f 1 ;say_team "^7going field ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F7 "class e 1 ;say_team "^7going engi ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F8 "class c 1 ;say_team "^7going covert ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F9 "class s 4 ;say_team "^7going panzer ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F10 "class e 2 ;say_team "^7going rifle ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F11 "class s 2 ;say_team "^7going mobile ;play sound/menu/filter"
bind F12 "class s 5 ;say_team "^7going mortar ;play sound/menu/filter"

bind n "com_maxfps 125;+forward;+sprint;wait 8;+moveup;-sprint;wait 30;-moveup;wait 100;-forward;com_maxfps 125"
set recoilon "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
set recoilon1 "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 4; -lookdown"
set recoiloff "bind mouse1 +attack"
set 1 "cl_pitchspeed 140; com_maxfps 43; bind mouse1 vstr recoilon; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4On; vstr 3"
set 11 "bind mouse1 vstr recoilon1; echo ^7Sniper recoil reduced, for when you get level 3 Co-ops; vstr 4"
set 2 "com_maxfps 125; vstr recoiloff; vstr 5; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4Off"
set 3 "bind M vstr 11"
set 4 "bind M vstr 2"
set 5 "bind M vstr 1"
bind m "vstr 1"
// FOV Changer
set long "cg_fov 90; bind y vstr short; echo ^3[^zLong Range ^7is now ^2On^3]"
set short "cg_fov 100; bind y vstr long; echo ^3[^zLong Range ^7is now ^1Off^3]"
// Instant Artillery Script
bind b "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"
bind b "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"
bind x "vstr PRONE"
set PRONE " -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; -back; +prone; -prone"

set b_althud "1"
set b_althudFlags "7"
set b_antilag "1"
set b_backupcvars "0"
set b_chatAlpha "0.5"
set b_chatFlags "1"
set b_drawclock "1"
set b_drawspeed "0"
set b_hitsounds "1"
set b_muzzleFlash "0"
set b_noactivatelean "1"
set b_numPopups "-1"
set b_optimizePrediction "1"
set b_popupFadeTime "0"
set b_popupStayTime "2500
set b_popupTime "0"
set b_simpleItems "0"
set b_speedinterval "0"
set b_tracers "2"
set b_weapaltReloads "0"

set cg_announcer "1"
set cg_atmosphericeffects "0"
set cg_autoaction "7"
set cg_autoactivate "1"
set cg_autoreload "0"
set cg_autoswitch "0"
set cg_bloodDamageBlend "0"
set cg_bloodFlash "0"
set cg_bloodTime "0"
set cg_bobpitch "0"
set cg_bobroll "0"
set cg_bobup "0"
set cg_brassTime "0"
set cg_complaintPopUp "0"
set cg_coronafardist "0"
set cg_coronas "0"
set cg_crosshairAlpha "1"
set cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1"
set cg_crosshairColor "yellow"
set cg_crosshairColorAlt "yellow"
set cg_crosshairHealth "0"
set cg_crosshairPulse "0"
set cg_crosshairSize "46"
set cg_crosshairX "0"
set cg_crosshairY "0"
set cg_currentSelectedPlayer "0"
set cg_cursorHints "1"
set cg_cycleAllWeaps "0"
set cg_descriptiveText "0"
set cg_drawCompass "1"
set cg_drawCrosshair "5"
set cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
set cg_drawCrosshairPickups "0"
set cg_drawFireteamOverlay "1"
set cg_drawFPS "2"
set cg_drawGun "0"
set cg_drawNotifyText "1"
set cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
set cg_drawSmallPopupIcons "1"
set cg_drawSnapshot "0"
set cg_drawSpreadScale "0"
set cg_drawStatus "1"
set cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "1"
set cg_errordecay "0"
set cg_fastSolids "1"
set cg_fov "100"
set cg_gibs "0"
set cg_lagometer "1"
set cg_marktime "0"
set cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"
set cg_noTaunt "0"
set cg_noVoiceChats "0"
set cg_noVoiceText "0"
set cg_popupLimboMenu "0"
set cg_predictItems "0"
set cg_printObjectiveInfo "0"
set cg_quickMessageAlt "1"
set cg_recoilPitch "0"
set cg_runPitch "0"
set cg_runRoll "0"
set cg_shadows "0"
set cg_showBlood "0"
set cg_swingSpeed "0.1"
set cg_stereoSeparation "0"
set cg_teamChatHeight "10"
set cg_teamChatsOnly "0"
set cg_teamChatTime "10000"
set cg_useScreenshotJPEG "1"
set cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"
set cg_viewsize "100"
set cg_weaponCycleDelay "0"
set cg_wolfparticles "0"
set cg_zoomDefaultSniper "20"
set cg_zoomStepSniper "10"

set cl_allowDownload "0"
set cl_anonymous "1"
set cl_doubleTapDelay "0"
set cl_freelook "1"
set cl_maxpackets "100"
set cl_maxPing "999"
set cl_mouseAccel "0"
set cl_packetdup "1"
set cl_pitchspeed "0"
set cl_punkbuster "1"
set cl_run "1"
set cl_timenudge "0"
set cl_timeout "10000"
set cl_updateavailable "0"
set cl_yawspeed "0"

set com_crashed "0"
set com_hunkMegs "512"
set com_maxfps "125"
set com_soundMegs "128"
set com_zoneMegs "128"

set demo_infoWindow "0"
set demo_drawTimescale "0"

set logfile "0"

set m_filter "0"
set m_pitch "0.018"
set m_yaw "0.022"

set pmove_fixed "0"

set r_allowExtensions "1"
set r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
set r_ati_truform_tess "0"
set r_cache "0"
set r_clamptoedge "1"
set r_clear "0"
set r_colorbits "32"
set r_customaspect "0"
set r_customheight "900"
set r_customwidth "1200"
set r_depthbits "16"
set r_detailtextures "0"
set r_displayrefresh "120"
set r_dlightBacks "0"
set r_drawFoliage "0"
set r_drawSun "0"
set r_dynamicLight "0"
set r_ext_ATI_pntriangles "0"
set r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"
set r_ext_compressed_textures "0"
set r_ext_gamma_control "1"
set r_ext_multitexture "1"
set r_ext_texture_env_add "0"
set r_facePlaneCull "1"
set r_fastSky "1"
set r_finish "0"
set r_flares "0"
set r_fullscreen "1"
set r_gamma "2.3"
set r_highQualityVideo "0"
set r_ignoreFastPath "0"
set r_ignoreGLErrors "1"
set r_ignoreHWGamma "0"
set r_inGameVideo "0"
set r_intensity "1.5"
set r_lodBias "2"
set r_lodCurveError "250"
set r_lodscale "5"
set r_mapOverBrightBits "3"
set r_mode "4"
set r_nocull "0"
set r_nocurves "0"
set r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
set r_overBrightBits "0"
set r_picmip "3"
set r_primitives "0"
set r_rmse "0"
set r_roundImagesDown "1"
set r_showSky "0"
set r_showTris "0"
set r_simpleMipMaps "0"
set r_smp "0"
set r_stencilBits "0"
set r_stereo "0"
set r_subdivisions "20"
set r_swapInterval "0"
set r_textureBits "32"
set r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
set r_UIFullscreen "0"
set rate "25000"
set r_wolffog "0"
set r_drawfoliage "0"

set s_channels "2"
set s_defaultsound "1"
set s_doppler "0"
set s_khz "22"
set s_mixahead "0.11"
set s_mixPreStep "0.09"
set s_musicvolume "0"
set s_separation "1"
set s_volume "0.2"
set s_wavonly "0"
set scr_conspeed "1000"
set sensitivity "2.375"
set snaps "20"
Maybe if you translate it in English more people can help you than Germany German people only.
yes Maybe xD
but i dont have desire atm ^^
english is his problem
he wants the graphics in the full mode the same as he has them in the minimized mode but he doesn't know how to do that.
ich seh kein unterschied
sieht wohl so aus
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_texturebits "32"
seta r_depthbits "32"

should help :o
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_texturebits "32"
die beiden waren schon auf "32"

und wenn ich denn anderen auf 32 mach verändert sich nicht

und ja ich habe vid_restard gemacht ^^

maybe smth with seta r_customheight ""
seta r_customwidth ""
nice snipers(cript) on the desktop
der ist auch in der cfg drin .....
hoeheren r_mode maybe?
just use another cfg
give me one that so looks
try modus.cfg
und woher kriege ich sie ??
-> search user modus ...
or try
perfo knows
seta r_overbrightbits // DEFAULT = "0" | "1" gesamte Map strahlt hell
seta r_mapoverbrightbits // DEFAULT = "2" | "3" Schatten sind heller
seta r_gamma // DEFAULT = "1.3" | Werte von 0.5 bis 3 | Ganzes Bild
seta r_intensity // DEFAULT = "1" | Map Helligkeit
jetzt probier aus !

u so viel auf einmal mal lucken ob ich das auf die reie kriege ^^
r_picmip 0,picmip macht die Texturen hässlich (0-3)
er will es ja hässlich lassen nur die farben sind grünlich
Und genau das ist es was es grünlich macht...
picmip macht nichts grünlich das grünliche kommt durch die colorbits etc und net durch die textureigeneschaften ...
ne das ist aber auf 0
Bei dir in der config hast du picmip auf 3,setz mal auf 0 .Mit r-mode 4 und picmip 3 sieht mein ET genauso shice aus.
r_ignorehwgamma 1 | 2
rofl i have the same looking desktop.. evenback ground.. and xfire... and programs.. LMFAO
Kann eigentlich nur r_colorbits sein, mach mal cvar_restart vorher und setz es wieder auf 32.
try the "et config" and change some parameters until it looks like you want.

ps: english next time
set r_ignoreHWGamma "0" // auf 1 und das grün ist weg...

btw: du spielst kein etpro oder? sonst würdest du kein recoilscript mehr benutzen ;)

btw: his ET in minimized form is ok... but if he maximate(?) it, it gets green... so he should get r_ignoreHWGamma to 1 .... problem solved...

Quelle: my brain!
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