Puupkee search team

hi my ET name is Puupkee but this acount is very old and i cant make new one cuz registering is off :x

annyways i search med skilled team. (prefer holland team, but doesnt realy matter)
Also a active team in cb ladders would be nice :)

i prefer medic class.

contact me here or via xfire
my xfire username is: puupkes



GL Hulky! :D
hahaha loazis <3

my old whaleclient mate :)

yeah good times with PLC hehe, i could join you couldnt muhahahaa
ey puuupppkeee maaaan stomme gulpenaar
hahaha neutron ouwe rukker gank wirke in iepe :P
gl piipke niggamahomie
gl puupke :)
gehhe ver zeen us woal in de game krieg murgen mun nuie pc ;)
Is it the puupke I know?

since when have u become med/+

so u claim to be double as good as me
hehe ye its the one you know, if you want you cant try me :) i bet that if i have a active clan i can be easy at this skill.

atm i have my days/weeks that i'm good or bad, depents on my hours of playing.

but ye right lets keep it at med ill edit it :p
I'm not saying u suck, but when I played with you I was (maybe just a lil) better then you right?
yeah could be but atm i'm better, played last weeks some more and got some more skill.

in the past i had like 2 hours et per week but now its some more :)
+ you had better ascore because you played rifle :)

got to say you pretty good at it
Gl puupke
gl puupke.

i play with him alot, med/+ suits him well.
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