Pb problems

Basically cant play ET due to being kicked by pb for failed heartbeat of punkbstr b exe. I don't have any firewalls or antivirus' or anything. Completely clueless.
omfg i got the same problem, everytime i set my et to fullscreen when im scrimming.. it kicks me for heartbeats bs, then when i make it smaller screen imfine.. but still lag

i know how you feel <3
search is the solution..
Search sucks tbh.
guess u tried pb update and stuff like that already?

a mate of mine had similar problem, and it started working when I gave him my punkbstrB.exe, so maybe u could try the same
did you already try: delete your whole PB Folder in your ET Folder, download PBSetup.exe, install pb for ET with that program.

i only get kicked for that when im running 2 ET's at the same time, so i guess its caused by ure pc not able to handle the game well :c
I've got the pb setup exe and always have had it. It's up to date and i've reinstalled pb adn et on several occaisons. I've played for the past 2 nearly 3 years and all of a sudden i'm having this problem. Sucks.
Isnt it possible that some one fix that fucking pb? Or make a new thing?
Bcause every1 got a problem with it..
Lagg/kick PB Fails.
thats what im saying..
pb is pathetic it's allowing hackers to play and legit players get the problems? Useless..
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