German State Cup TOTAL FAIL!

At first i want to say SRY! to all who said its a fail cup!


WE had to play vs Hamburg yesterday.
1 Merc from another State is allowed to play in the team, so we had 1 merc.
Hamburg were only 5 players, so they wanted to start the match and they allowed the merc anyway....
After the first map the 5 disconnected because of clantrain, so they were 4...
Admin canceled the match... ANd it was a defwin for US!...


Today the admin found out that our merc was playing in team-berlin before.. and thats not allowed! I told him ok, let's play this week again, maybe HH get 6 palyers....


He gave a defwin for HH because we played in the "fail match" with 1 disallowed player which wasn't an official game :DD....
I mean for not beeing 6 and disconnecting between a match is rly a defwin...
NVM i care hf with your big

THX TO SUUUPPPPERRRR ADMINS [8B]Skydriver,[CB]Mundes a CB Admin,[8B]Oldman

FAIL CUPP!!!!!!!!!

I sense bitterness.
nobody cares about this shit, srsly
np hessen at next round
End of May!! For a whole week this time!
nice, tell me exact times n stuff, i'll come meet you this time :p coming with mates?
Yea there is like Ten of us going as one of our mates is getting married! There is a female I need to meet up with too so I will be a busy boy!
you iz fail when you paly with a team-berlin memb0r - read the rulezZzzz
OMG.... you don't get it too, they were not 6 so there was no official match.
wenn das match losgeht - ist es ein official! - wenn ihr dann was verbotenes macht un werdet erwischt, ist das sicherlich nicht die schuld von dem anderen team
aber deren schuld ist, nicht 6 spieler zu haben sondern nur 4 ?
its your problem that u started the game
they started.
how could they without you readying up or voting f1?
how could they without you readying up or voting f1?
if there was no official match cause of lack of players HOW THE FUCK can u get defwin then... withouth offical match theres no such thing as a defwin.

On the other hand then their would also not be a defwin for the other team
:D:D:D never played such a bad cup...
lol curt srsly!!!!

u fail!
u had admin on the page of the cup.
at the beginning u had only 6 players in the team.
now u got 11! is there something wrong? (first fail from u)

then u play with beast who isnt allowed to play for ur team.
and centy too. there are to mercs i notice! (2nd fail)

bb tard!!!!!
you should post that in german main community not here
there is nothing like a german community page
that's bad u dont have a flame only forum like we have in italy? bah
lies ! planet ( dead ) wolfenstein & etscene !11
pw is dead and noone uses et-scene
i wasnt serious u estonian piece of shit !
i know but i guess Techniker was, and i couldn't be arsed to reply 3 times so i just took you!
...and noone uses et-scene ... anymore ;p
Parent du kaqq newsqler
this cup sucks anyway:D
curt... what are u trying here? First i havnt admin this game while was a player, but thats not the point at all. Like every body mentioned, read the rules.

Second thing, after the Admins decided to not judge/cancel this match, our players think its useless to play further the game. So their team must longer wait on them. Easy like that.

Ahhh last thing... deleting databases out of frustration, doesnt make u more trustable, ;)
yes and where is the problem? Sky give you a defwin so please :o
match was canceled after 1 map, so we should play again and he gave a defwin to you Oo wtf....!

and what database ? Oo
somehow I supposed ur a cheater yourself...
no i am not :P
and u are banned because...?
i played with kenta in an ettv match, i was inactive for 10 moths i dunno kenta is a cheater..
iz you the mentioned fail admin?
every country try's to be like us but they all fail
just dont take rize as u knew he played for berlin already, srsly

at least you as the captain should be that smart to know that it aint allowed.
share this with cuttyP, im sure he has a listening ear
stop bitching around, the schleswig-holstein line up is a joke anyways.
if no one is playing et in SH anymore sooo what? you are high i am sure lumpi who is playing in Thüringen :D
i didnt play for thüringen. lagg3r just asked me to help out as a merc in case they weren't six players.
yes but you think you are such a high player like keran or hatred, bu you are not better than the players of SH atm..
i never claimed to be high skilled. the main reason for me not to play for sh is that you (as a cheater) are the team captain and that most of the players are like 11 and a half years old.
i am a cheater??? never cheated man :D..... from where do you got this information?
all players are over 20 years :x
funnily enough i go to the same school as "knutbertje" does and i know damn well that he is 16/17

and concerning the cheating matter: you were on one of the busted player lists by fusen.
ok maybe knut is the one with 17 years.. dunno
I am not on any fusen list and I never cheated man Oo... thats a wrong info.... and i was never banned.
start a civil war and leave us alone
no socks as admin = fail cup !
as always.
stfu what r you whining, you played with a disallowed merc, gtfo
I approve this comment.
Esl state cup > all :D
no shoes as admin = fail cup !
so gandalf = curt = busted cheater as team captain ?!
Team captain of BW is busted, too. ;)
.gif or it's just not funny. :)
why busted Oo?
Member For: 1 month and 20 days
yes because other account is banned, chef!
germany is a total fail itself
only good from germany is Hitler
menatl = nazi
thats the reason why its so funny

Ps: Das ist Shisha
and daniel küblböck
since hitler was austrian and not german i have to disagree with you.
The rule to allow one merc from another state is a joke. There are enough players for every state. ...well what do I bother. This whole cup is total shit.

1. Oldman hat eine klare Entscheidung getroffen, das (bEAST) nicht spielen darf
andere Aussagen sind daher nicht zulässig!
2. Oldman hat gesagt, das er das Spiel in dieser Form nicht akzeptieren wird!
3. FAIL -> c3nty hat gepielt daher 2.Merc



klare Entscheidung des Admins
rules are rules what is the problem?
you are too stupid to read them and to take another guy from somewhere else

omg thats not the point in this case... :O the match was cancelled after the first map beacuse they were 4 players, so we schould play it again Oo
lol u kinda to stupied or?
u played with 1 from theam berlin! and u played with c3nty! 2 mercs = not allowed

think next time before u act like this!
your opinion is not welcome, because you are a total idiot!
:D dont talk about urself every time
ok i get the point, that 4 guys had to pracc is really bullshit and stupid but you also did a mistake so in this case the admins had the choose and they decided against you. if i would be an admin i would rematch it but i'm not, so you must live with it and remember it for the future ;)
ya remacht thats it... but nvm i dont care :>
yes you shouldn't, because it's like a random 1 day cup so noone will care next days ^^
Sounds pretty shit to be honest, if you leave in the middle of a match for training the win should be given to the other team. Also the other team allowed you to use a Merc. If I was you I would fight this case as you deserved the win.Or you should of got me to merc lol
both teams broke the rules so there should be a replay
yes, thats what i want tell all.
yes so seems that some admins don't know the own rules ^^ and the cup is a fail because mercs allowed... when u want to get the best german gaming state then all this players should come from that state and not 1guy from an other one. if a state don't get enough players maybe it's possible to mix 2states together.
yes the rule " you can use 1 merc" is stupid anyway....
agree, it's retarded to see krest playing with niedersachsen instead of nrw when niedersachsen could easily get 6 without merc!
agree to the topic :p
but all in all we can thank god that shoes isn't any kind of admin of that cup because then the idea comes and fail after the 2weeks ^^
with or without him, this cup is the biggest fail ever (all statecups btw)
shit admins will spoil every potentially good cup.........
fucking newschooler, don't know mundes, lol, greatest cb admin ever
dont know him, only heard about mUnduS
idd fail cup

[Ger] Der Cup war schon immer schlecht und wird auch nicht besser... also ich verstehe schon was du dort oben geschrieben hast und du regst dich mit Recht auf... mich würde interessieren wer der admin war :D

naja ziemlich lächerlich aber was spielt ihr auch bei so nem Kindercup mit?[/Ger]
oldman war admin und es haben halt alle 3 entschieden.... naja kannte die admins ja vorher nicht und dachte das wird mal nen ordentlicher cup.. :P
[ger] genau meine meinung[/ger]
there are no fail admins, its always w0nd3r's fault!
+378217467856437895637892625874365782346570894235908435089743895708957243895723ß754308957439085743928574308925743895743089275678568365394756782346894365753089572439576589376987ß0657238940t6749385723ß067 + 1
lol kipster :P
:D Do you think I can play in German State cup? Im a merc and can play for all!
dunno but you should ask some admin before :P
But im german so surely im allowed? I have a german passport!
i wouldn't be sure about i said just ask some admin :P i'd let you play :P:P
it's pretty stupid even to have mercs allowed from different states in a state cup
your fail :D
it's pretty stupid to even have mercs allowed from different states in a state cup
i told ya...
shit happens

rulebreak = lose :D!
mhm 1 question! i read the posts and i dont know WHY have the admins give the defwin an other team? because the match was cancled and a canceld match dont have a rulebreak or!? the reason for the cancel was not the rulebreak the reason was the disconnect you know what i mean?
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