125 FPS ATI Redeon 4850HD ?

I want to push my card to the limit and get stable125 fps. I was wondering if anyone can help me to set my setting or give me tips on how to make my fps as high as I can. ATI Redeon 4800HD series is the last one and suppose to be a powerful video card.

I appreciate the help

Thanks !
r_mode 2
quake graph engine is based on your cpu power... changing from 1,2 ghz to 3,2 ghz gave me nice fps boost...

actually gfx isnt so important, and even with gforce 4 you should get 125 fps...

i recommend setting et's priority to high
my friend, i've read it but dont have a clue what cause your problem :/

however run ET, and look into windows menager on proceses you're running... maybe there is somthing stealing your cpu power... and you can try do download some progs like GameXP, but i doubt it will help...

ps. deine mutti auf youporn!
run some benches (pcmark, 3dmark,...) and check if your system gets adequate results.
Thanks! My CPU is old, and I need to buy a new one.
Try to overclock it, your better off listing all your pc specs it will give people a better idea
Wasting money, useless fps
just DISABLE CATALYST AI = same as threaded optimization @ nvidia
its not powerful enough for et nowadays
I don't rly understand all this topic about not having 125 stable fps. I have HD 4850 and can have 300 fps grush 20vs20 \o/ ofc I have good CPU too
what kind of CPU?
core2duo E8400 sir
The problem is that your system gets slower over time. After reformatting I get a maximum of 340fps, after a month they're down to 210. On grush I can't even get 125 stable on the bridge.
what? After 5 months my system didn't rly get much slower :)
Well I've experienced this on several computers with different operating systems. Maybe it depends on how you use your pc.
i rly dont understand how come you're so stupid...

ppl cant reach 125 fps, so they ask how to do it :0
well if someone can't have 125 when he should have 300+ stable who is stupid then? don't buy so " good " parts to your PC if you don't even know ho to get stable fps in ET :D, it's like you said you can have stable 125 on very very cheaper PC
some just dont know a shit about quake engine and think that good gfx will ensure stable fps, which is load of bull crap...

you said you got e8400... with such cpu even my old geforce 2 would give me 125fps...

so dont act so high and mighty, cause you know a bit more then others... as long as people ask you should be willing to help!
I'm not acting, I'm laughing about all this ppl writing I GOT NEW NVIDIA XCCZ9999 HIGH +++ SUPREME card but... I have only 30 fps on radar WTF WTF WTF. There have been MANY topics about that on CF so maybe first they use search option ?:)
we both know how fucked up is search option here... i never found what i've been looking for :D

i czemu kurwa piszemy po angielsku!?!
I always find what I want :P

zeby inni wiedzieli co piszemy :)
walic ich :D pierzmy nasz brudy tak zeby oni nie wiedzieli o co kaman :DDD
tip of the day

use googe. in the serach field you write "site:crossfire.nu <your search string>"

voila you only get searches from crossfire.
ow thanks, didnt know!
you learn something new, everyday!
i have the same card and have np gettin 125
LoL that card is good enoughz
well i have hd4870 and have stable 125fps on every map, except radar, there i cant get even stable 76 :( on some places my fps is jumping from 30 to 76, anyone know what could be the reason?
TOFL LOL I HAS 4670 and 125 fps X:D
Ati is the mother of FPS problems. Get a nvidia card and your healed!
getting that card too its awesome i guess
2gb ram
-> stable 125fps

p4 2400mhz
1024mb ram
9700 nonpro
-> stable 125fps

p3 500mhz
256mb ram
ati rage
-> small rtcw maps playable @ low detail cfg

wtf are you guys doing?
we do download pr0n from suspicious websites
p4 1600mhz
1024mb ram
-> 76fps max and laggy like hell !
@ Limbonic

I have pretty much the same specs as you yet look at this bullshit :/


I have tried so much and I never can get stable FPS on any map.
i don't know what you could do about it, sorry. it seems like this problem is affecting 1 in 10 systems for no particular reason.
if your pc performs bad in general you can run benches like 3dmark + pcmark and compare your results to similar system's scores. if your pc performs worse than others in these benchmarks, make sure that you've got all necessary drivers installed (the most important ones are chipset and gfx drivers of course).
disable fucking threaded optimization :XXXXXXXXX
u had better buy a good cpu instead of an expensive vga

even with my ATI 9600SE i had 125 fps ... so dont expect much fps boost with your vga
i get 125 with hd2600 pro :DDD r_mod 7 high settings
i build this pc for like £120 and i get 125 on everymap... nerly a pound a frame eh
I have 125 fps with my Radeon 3600 :P
Very lows graphics ..
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