Kite Surfers here?

anyone has been kite surfen?
yea, but tbh i like wave surfing more :>
only kite surfer that pops up in my mind is cuttyP, pm him.
haha how many pms did he actually get till now? :D
enough, i managed to convince 8 ppl into pming him one day :D
it's less than expected tbh
whats the whole thing with cuttyp all the sudden?
pm him, he will tell
expected reaction=D
best thing is: ur so curious to find out that you will do it!
I dont want to but i want to know:<
there is only 1 solution for ur problem
But i have to be strong!
be strong and pm him
ofc, i've been surfing for 6 years now
in 2 weeks i'll go to surf for 3 months
Me too, where are you going?
whoa your skin will get very wrinkly after 3 months in the water!
Parent ?
I like wave surfing more..less trouble with wind and stuff :P
i bodyboard with 7ele sometimes :)
i went and failed..couldnt get the hang of riding the wave while controlling the kite..10 foot waves tho ..kinda sucked for a beginner
I'm still learning it, but i still suck aswell...
i dont wanna spent hundrets of euros for a kite school,
so i wanted to know if anyone maybe could help me for the equipment and stuff.
what do you need to know mate?
I wanted to know what kinda Kite i should take a bow-kite!? have no idea whats good...i had in the past the C-kite but that was long time ago, how big should it be?
What board sice schould i take.

Im 1,81m tall
and weight 75kg
bow kite if ur a beginner, it's more thrustworthy and really stable, If you want a stable board, go for a longer one, the longer the bord and the wider, the mre stable it is, as for the kite, bow kites have more power regulation than ordinary ones so u should get away with a 11m²
do you live in a windy area?
Okay, thx for the informations
I will check some bow-kites out first.
Na.. dont live in realy windy area...
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