C.Warmod 2.0 Public beta, now open to all players :)

HI :)
I am here to announce you the new version of the C.Warmod.
Firstly called 1.3 this version will be the 2.0 because i added important things in it to open this mod to all players !!

Fixed Link with 2.1 (correted sprint in all mods)

Version 2.0 Changelog:
Quote- Compatibility to custom maps
- Added / fixed all gametypes
- Added indicator when bomb drop
- Added "DEVMAP" status in the modname
- Added devmap mod (promod_mode bot_10)

- Added Mods with sprint for war and pub ( promod_mode sprint or promod_mode sprintpub)
- Added quickmenu for graphics settings (no longer forced)
- Added customruleset for public and war

Version 2.0 Commands:
Quote/rcon promod_mode private_10 ( or private_12 and more...)
/rcon promod_mode 2v2_10
/rcon promod_mode knockout_12
/rcon promod_mode public_10
/rcon promod_mode rifle_10
/rcon promod_mode bot_10
/rcon promod_mode sprint_10 (Allow sprint for wars)
/rcon promod_mode sprintpub_10 (all public rules + sprint)
/rcon promod_mode freewar_10 ( Allow custom ruleset)
/rcon promod_mode freepub_10 ( Allow custom ruleset for public)

Full Changelog:
- forced lodscalerigid at 1
- forced r_sizecull at 0
- disabled bomb during ready-up
- added Arisaka/springfield
- Added Arisaka scoped / Mosin nagant scoped
- Renamed to " Community Warmod "
- Decreased strattime to 7
- Fixed mr12 bug
- compress ff file
- Disabled throwbackgrenade
- Deleted camouflage on rifle/sniper class
- Balanced Shotguns (Same shotgun on both side)
- All sniper/rifle got the same sway
- Deleted shotgun/sniper drop
- Added possibility to Drop bomb with quickmessage menu (bind G openscriptmenu quickpromod 1)
- Added better sound for plant/defuse (COD1 sound)
- Increased bomb sound Distance
- Disabled kill during ready-up
- Added 2v2/1v1 rules with shotgun/sniper disabled ( promod_mode 1v1_10)
- Added knockout rules ( promod_mode knockout_12)
- Added Player left
- Modified the stock dvarenfocer script
- Disabled third person
- Added Last GV script
- Added kills during ready-up whitout score update :)
- Modified Player Left icon
- Allowed name change after join a server ( /name )
- Added Timeout Menu (bind G openscriptmenu quickpromod 2)
- Fixed Weapon's bug during the halftime
- Deleted TeamKill Reflect
- Removed hit detection through walls
- Fixed timeout
- Added sv_fps 30
- Disabled the Dark fog during ready-up
- Disabled weapon's during strattime
- Fixed lags when join spectator
- Fixed the spectator bug ( can't spectate after ready-up)
- Cleaned the code & deleted old files
- Fixed lags
- Fixed script error
- Fixed log's bug
- Forced sv_fps 30
- Added rifle mod (only sniper and rifle)
- Disabled suicide during strattime

- Compatibility to custom maps
- Added / fixed all gametypes
- Added indicator when bomb drop
- Added "DEVMAP" status in the modname
- Added devmap mod (promod_mode bot_10)

- Added Mods with sprint for war and pub ( promod_mode sprint or promod_mode sprintpub)
- Added quickmenu for graphics settings (no longer forced)
- Added customruleset for public and war
which game?

if its cod5 inb4 "/record"
what's this?
Forums » Call of Duty
Nice stuff
I thought it was some new awesome mod for ET like Jaymod or no-quarter :<
Added Uk Test Server :) (asylum airfield shrine suburban castle hangar)
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