
Looking for a dutch speaking clan for a merger, ppl that want to start an ET squad within Apocalypse or just ppl that wanna join.
Got site, 2 servers, TS, Vent., IRC etc etc.
Have a look at http://www.apocalypse.nl

Contact me at #apocalypse.nl @ Quakenet or through mail or forum.

Thanks in advance,


Michel alias ]ApoC[TGC
[email protected]
nice intro but the font sucks :P
gl anyway :)
speelt pino er nog?
Officieel wel, maar hij is al sinds tijden inactive
woohoo oldschool

tnnc > apoc ;)
Ben ik al zo oud... damm.
Steel riders of the last apocalypse.
Apoc vs dikketrip was altijd leuk xD

Thanks so far for all the positive remarks !

Now haul your ass over to Apoc and sign up ;)

The reason for this post is that Apoc is going to primarily ET:QW soon. But because ET is the original I think we should keep it going alongside. Apoc does not have enough actives for both games.. so.

C U soon.
Pls support us with an IRC
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