how to change mouse HZ

how do i change mouse hz of logitech mx 518? i dont see any options at the setpoing menu. coz i checked it and i only use around 150.

i have windows xp sp3 home.

Attached Misc File: 36397-UsbRate.rar (15 Feb 2006, 204KB, 12955 download)

download unzip run

choose your mouse on the list check the checkboxes choose a Hz install + restart

with FILTER ON DEVICE checked if you pull the mouse out you'll have to do it again
but it wont apply to your other usb devices, some of which may be damaged by higher Hz

i dont think the 518 can go above 500Hz reliably either, increasing it to 1000Hz may damage it
never heard of anything damaged by 1000hz usb :X
capitalist propaganda?
I use latest version of SetPoint, never tried
Quote setpoing
but good luck with that :)
change it at 500hz, it is enough.
you people and your high skilled mouses
Is it OK to change my razer db with random logitech cable from 125 Hz to 500 Hz?
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