Touch the Sky

<-- ma mate raTchet DONT FORGET HD BUTTON
Impressive jumps
ratchet owns:)
i cant do half the shit this guy did, suck at tj
1. boring (only shyt gamma jumps)
2. shyt music
3. do it without the adrenalin syringe and you get a 'well done' from me
old but gold

can't make the 1st jump
Hom much hours this guy have past to get this TJ skill ?
you need a few :P
a few years you mean ?
nono look @ my profile it took me like 5 months until i was able to do those jumps (they were all new at that time look @ description on own3d :p) but i stopped jumping after that vid... would take me a few months again to become that good meaning like 2hours/day. ofc some days more some days less... :P
Quote by Shadowkiller1243 (3 weeks ago)
i cant stop my self from watching this very nice edits man keep them jumping!
tbh i dont like these jumps on TJ Maps, i prefer normal trickjumps with some sense ;]
yea i didnt like those gammas as well. i always thought they were quite useless in 6on6. i have to admit ofc that it gives good strafing skillz but i'd say med/+ strafing skillz are enough. i like trickjumps on normal maps more then those cause of the (maybe) practical use. for example in supply from CP up to east wall > any gamma.

but still the gammas are not that easy to master so i still have respect for those spending time on beating them even though i wouldnt :p
yep, 2nd that ;]
owned by me <-- raTchet
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