cless & bored

well, i find myself with free time again in the evenings

Someone recruit me please.

I cant be bothered with all that listing previous clans and what class i play. Im mid ish skill, have loads of time, pm me for more info.



Additional: I aparently messed up my rotator cuff in my shoulder playing badminton, so I will be playing like a cripple for the next week or so.
Jump on #punga

Ill be back later
gl mate :)
gl munchies !
Gl munchcock<3
gl m8 played with him yesterday shouts out well
lol you mean i shout at medics well
:P they need a good shouting at!
gl munchies ;>
munchies cool nick D:
I suck at badminton :<
GL MUNCHIEEEESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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