Pingjumps and fpsdrops

As you can see the name ,
Can somebody help me with it got much pingjumps and fpsdrops and when it's to much i got punkbuster heartbeats fail ! -.-

Thx for watching, Desperado
Tell your ping to stop pressing space.
haha very funny but if you had the problem to you will cry trust me;)
you are so easy to cry
its.. wait.
oh, its et so..

its can be 938045093845039485 reason.
high ping can cause fps drops - check modem etc

drop fps can also be - overheating or other random process using up cpu etc
i bet he got Wlan...
r_mode 4, format, get internet.
r_mode 0 imo
welcome to et
image: 2nlbv52

These requests without specs/cfg are useless, when will people understand it?
update pb or something usual
just blame punkbuster! :D
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