Dubzorr looks team

Hi im Dubzorr and im looking for a team.

About me:

- 14 Years Old
- From The Netherlands Netherlands
- Low/+
- No Cup Experience :$
- Avi when im online. Almost every day.
- Much scrim experience.

What i ask from you:

- Low/+ Skill
- Good tw
- Maybe playing in cup.
- People who can be serious, but funny sometimes to ;)

How can you contact me?

Name in mIRC : DubZorr
Xfire : pronight12

Or just send a pm to my crossfire.
I hope someone have a team for me.
gl i thought you were from Dublin
gl ...
but u have to say you are med + like evry cleZZ here @ cf :D
Haha, i am not like them ;)
gl, take him!
Zit je nog in de trial van damnit? Je staat @ irc op main lineup .. :d
gl dubj! <3
sounds nice guy!
dubwise nigga
still no teams who want me =(
nice guy played him before
Good luck :>
nice guy, give him a chance
Good Luck :]
gl dubz :)
goodluck, took him as a merc once
not a bad player
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