Call of Duty 4 Recruitment!


my team's looking for one real med+/high active AK47.

Were a new team that consists of 4 very mature friendly active players. We don't whine and we have a lot of potential to become very good imo.

What we want/expect from you

- UK Preferred, However we will try out none UK players.
- Must be able to speak good English
- Friendly
- Mature
- No ego quits, rage quit etc
- AK47

Info about us
Like I said were a new team that's been around for about a week now, so I can't really say were a good team as we don't have any tactics sorted and are just playing PCW's. We've all got good experiance in the call of duty series and are aiming to create a decent team that's active and wants to do well. Were not going to be a LAN team (for now anyway) as we can't really go too serious due to other things in real life (gfs, work, uni etc) however we still play to win and have fun.

I'm posting here as I've had no luck on mIRC and I've just attracted players pretending to be players they're not or hackers. If you feel you are interested and would benefit this new team please contact me through here or add me on xfire (justjaz) and I'll provide you with further information regarding the team and so on.

Edit: We have a server + vent.

Thanks for reading and hopefully I'll be playing with you soon :-)
sounds nice, gl :o)
expected a post by bNo :[
my filter is not working!
Could be playing, but to much :x
useless to post Cod4 here -.-
I'm here o/
take me + chizz6l!
Team name ?
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