pstarZ recruiting

Europe #pstarZ is in the need of 1 player.

We are playing in OC div 2, a division that does not express our skill, since we joined it before we got the lineup we have now. We are through to the playoffs so far.

Denmark blazz ( ex WSF - Signum - ALIS + Team Denmark )
Denmark oBs ( ex pstarZ + Team Denmark )
Belgium EtRnL ( ex Elite - Illuminated )
Belgium uNDEAD ( ex WSF )
Belgium eCkLav ( ex WSF )
Belgium .X.! ( ex Zerobarrier )
Slovenia wiseBoy ( ex sWat )
Estonia indu ( ex p!mps )

- 16+ matureness
- Medic / Field Ops
- SKILLED on comms (english speaking)
- Preferely EC skill (good ex clan history would be nice)
- Be able to play in this seasons OC
- Activity 4-5 days a week

pstarZ|Blaze @ #pstarZ
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