Dual Monitor Software.

Anyone know of any good software for configuring dual monitors? Would be nice if some applications would auto start up on the secondary screen while having full screen apps still start on the primary monitor etc.
ultramon is a pretty handy tool when having multiple display.

Im not sure if it can do what u are asking though.. go google ;)
To be honest I did google and try out a few progs.. but most seem to just configure them in a basic way.
Nvidia drivers don't like me changing resolutions T_T
my drivers are in harmony.
Ultramon is pretty good anyway. You can choose which monitor it opens up onto in the shortcut. As easy to use as blackbox :P
well no problem with my monitors, my computer is what requires format but I reaaaaaaaally cba but im getting fucking frustrated because its not working.
You mean you have an external hardrive but you didn't take a screenshot of your system when you first installed? :P
you mean like some program that copies the current state of system and then I can restore to it when I want to?
Pretty much, you used BartPe?
no, dont know any of those softwares.
If you did that tonight even though it would probably take an hour or two it will save you fucking ages in the long run if you back up a fresh install of windows with the progs that you need.
oh, which one should I get and from where?
BartPE is what I use to make a snapshot with all my essential programs (mobo gpu drivers as well as blackbox).

I used to have all my games backed up on it as well, but since I have got 10mb broadband I download most of them now.

http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/ is what I dled from iirc
got no additional software lulz :(
in my experience ATI > Nvidia if u wan't to use dual-displays. I didn't need any additional software with ATI, but with Nvidia it't real pain in teh ass. Utltramon is prolly the easiest way.
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