fenex in need


We are in need of :

- fops , medic and engi(multiclasser)
=> be active on training days (sun mon wed (*thu) 20:30 -23 oclock gmt+1)
=> must have game experience + brains
=> no egotrippers who only frag and dont do anything about object
=> no whiners about fps/ enemy
*thursday = sometimes

We are:

* med/better skilled
* very active
* going to play CB active and other stuff
* have game/voiceserver
* mature

United States of AmericapAuz

Contact @ Quakenet #fenex
i would love to see sum1 med+ skilled that i've actually heard of searchin on xfire
Fail team imo but...

Lineup of feneX aka aSTRUM has changed how many times now? 5/6 times?
Btw this isnt something with astrum ore whatever me and piejte just started new clan we just holded fenex as name ;) others we needed to change site / server/ vent ...
skill of you vzhx ?
gl in finding a lineup, we're playing vs you in this etmasters round xD
gl pietje and vZhx :)
pietje, why didnt you pm me, as i asked you? now its too late :(
i thought this was a post by Germany fennex :(
gl pietje
fenneks fake :D
vzhx since when are u better than med...im low n kicked ur ass plenty of times in 3o3 xDDDDDDDD
Only pietje is med/med+

still gl tho
everybody med+ :)
i didnt said im better then med nerd med/higher buy glasses
ur not even med tbh xDD
No Germany Fennex, no win.
gl pietje ! <3
gl Germany fennex
lol errrrrrrrrh i like how i only just seen this line up and 2 of them yesterday asked to join my clan for oc....
Gl tom :)
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