ET & Ubuntu dairy of my own experiences

ET & Ubuntu

1. run chose ubuntu install (no repartition or cd burning needed)
after installation boot into ubuntu
1. get inet working, if it says connected to network but you cant browse, disconnect modem from power, wait 1 min plug it back in.

2. get your gfx drivers working, you should see a icon restricted drivers next to time and date, choose the right one, install, reboot. if not you can install them from applications add/remove search nvidia / ati or use synaptic packet manager which can be found in System/Applications again search 4 nvidia / ati. dont forget to install nvidia-settings dno what its called 4 ati cards.

If all goes well your drivers should be working after reboot. now open terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings (something else 4 ati cards dno) and set your settings and save.
if you have a crt and your favorite resolution and refresh rate are not available but you know that your monitor can handle it (you can check this by typing sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal) look 4 this section

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Unknown"
ModelName "Your monitor name"
HorizSync 30.0 - 110.0
VertRefresh 48.0 - 170.0
# 1024x768 @ 120.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 98.76 kHz; pclk: 139.05 MHz
Modeline "1024x768_120.00" 139.05 1024 1104 1216 1408 768 769 772 823 -HSync +Vsync

To add a costume modline type gtf 1024 768 120 in terminal (change to your specification and be sure it is in range of your monitor specs). you will get something like this.
# 1024x768 @ 120.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 98.76 kHz; pclk: 139.05 MHz
Modeline "1024x768_120.00" 139.05 1024 1104 1216 1408 768 769 772 823 -HSync +Vsync
Copy paste it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf in Section "Monitor" like shown above. log out, start nvidia settings Boom there it is.

The Command set r_displayrefresh wont work in ubuntu 4 me. et takes the top refresh rate listed in nvidia-settings, to get the right refresh rate, open nvidia-settings, where you change resolution click on x screen, select advanced and delete all MetaModes that are above the refresh rate that you want save and quit.

3. Download ET be sure to download 2.60 ( so you don need to patch.
To install the game type sudo sh ./ in terminal, be sure that the game is in your Home folder.If you have a AMD cpu you wil get some kind of error, i forgot what it was. just google it and it wil tell you to install some extra shit.find it in synaptic packet manager, install it and try again

4. Download 2.60b and copy linux patches to File System/user/local/games/enemy-territory to get permission type sudo chown -R klapp:klapp /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/ in terminal. change klapp to your user name. this is also the directory where you put autoexec and stuff, your demos are in home(your user name)/.etwolf if you cant see it press Ctrl+H

5. Download and run it. if it wont run, right mouse click it go to properties / permissions / click allow executing file as program

6. Start ET, its located in application/others 4 some reason or type et in terminal.
you can also create shortcut to load etpro directly, works the same way as in windows.

Mouse Shit.
1. ubuntu uses set in_dgamouse 2 or 1 instead of set in_mouse 1 or 0 be sure to change that or weird things will happen

2. 4 some reason ubuntu uses 100Hz usb, i like it ;)
To change mouse poling rate type gksudo gedit /etc/modules in terminal and add these lines @ end of line.

-r usbhid
usbhid mousepoll=2

Here are all the mouse polls:
1 = 1000Hz
2 = 500Hz
4 = 250Hz
8 = 125Hz
10 = 100Hz (Default)

3. Type xset m 0 0 to disable all accel. but im not sure about this and i dont like it.
you have to type this evry time you reboot

1. type this in terminal

sudo sh -c "echo 'et.x86 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss"

sudo sh -c "echo 'et.x86 0 0 disable' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss"

Then test the game. If sound works, you can apply this fix permanetly by typing in terminal:

sudo gedit /etc/rc.local

and add these lines end of file

echo 'et.x86 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss
echo 'et.x86 0 0 disable' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss
exit 0
This works 4 me but i have to plug my headset in my onboard sound card.

2. et-sdl-sound dno shit about this google it, its suposed to work

Bare in mind that im a total linux noob and i just installed it to get stable fps, in other words dont whine if something does not work or about spelling. if you still cant get something to work be sure to pm Meez or Panda
ok wtf is this
dno, some new windows script for et i think
ET and windows

Install wolfet.exe
have fun having your system infected with PnkBstrA/PnkBstrB services :D
add to tuto's
There is a section called Tutorials.
to mutch to read
succeeded with system-recovery?
"this is also the directory where you put autoexec and stuff"
I prefer to put autoexec and other cgfs in /home, not /usr. /home is usually easier reachable with preset shortcuts, and is also designed to be the place for configs in general. No real difference though :>
cant drop the console in ET with ubuntu /o\
Try alt + " (i.e., alt + the key with the caret (^) on it (assuming a Norwegian keyboard layout)).
gr8 job there
No offence intended but I wouldn't really call this a tutorial. more like a dairy of your own experiences and solutions (which is not a bad thing!)

in_dgamouse 2 is definitely the one to use by the way, not 1
yes in_dgamouse 2. but how about the xset m 0 0 thing it feels fucked up somehow
xset m 1 1 is a way better!
omg thx dude. it fucking rocks!
what's that command basically about?
ATI has the ATI CCC don't they?
OSS4 r0x it supports multiple sound which is great because I prefer mp3 + ET.
You going to add a minimizer section to your little tut? :P
Also: XQF is great <3
Also²: plekter will answer everyone's questions :)))))))
Also³: pm cuttyP
never tried minimizer
Thanks for sharing this. :-)
playing games + linux = fail
don't install ET as superuser
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