battlefield heroes key?

can anyone send me one?
i've heared many complaints bout the game but since i'm incredibly bored i need something to paly:<
i used to have key so i played a bit on it, but now i cant cuz always in que:/
hmm.. weird.. when I join I can play in a few seconds.

Try creating a new account maybe? It's an open beta anyways, so just use a different emailadress and ur ready to go again I think ^^
i have one

we dont get invites though
havent played yet, just fucked around on the character creation and trolled the forums, couldn't get it to work on wine so I'll need to reboot into windows sometime and give it a go
funny but awful
i wait for my own...
I already played it. What a terrible game. Way too slow. You have to hit an enemy like 15 times before he dies.
God bless beta testing then, eh? :P
ye difference from et is 3 hs :D
You might want to think before you type nonsense like that.
Want miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
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